Kapanlagi.com - These handsome police officers have become stars on social media. Their Instagram accounts are flooded with thousands of fans like a celebrity. It's clear that these handsome police officers' followers are spoiled by their 'uniform' visuals that are guaranteed to melt hearts. Let's take a look at the handsome police officers in Indonesia!
1. Acok Karyadi

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There are many handsome police officers serving throughout the archipelago. One of them is Acok Karyadi, a man serving in South Solok Regency, West Sumatra.
2. Agral Yarufi

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There is also Minang police officer, Agral Yarufi. Not only handsome, Agral Yarufi is also skilled in composing beautiful words, especially about love and happiness.
3. Ikhsan Nanda Herman

© instagram.com/ikhsannandah
Although handsome, don't have a crush on police officer Ikhsan Nanda Herman. There is already a special woman who fills the heart of this handsome police officer.
4. Raehan Warnedi

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This one is police officer Raehan Warnedi. Don't shoot with a police rifle, shooting with love is allowed, right?
5. Geshu Ginanda

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Police officer Geshu Ginanda likes to share wise quotes through his Instagram posts. This heart feels calm reading the captions while looking at the handsome photos.
6. Heldio Jahultri

© instagram.com/hldio08
Looks like there are many handsome police officers in West Sumatra, Heldio Jahultri is one of them. Posing next to a car, do you want to go somewhere with me, little sister?
7. Wendi Mustika Koto

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Handsome police officer Wendi Mustika Koto, also known as Dawen, loves sports. He often shares his cycling moments on his personal Instagram account.
8. Dirahma Wahyu Erizon

© instagram.com/dirahmawahyuerizon
Dirahma Wahyu Erizon is a handsome police officer based in Padang. Are there really many handsome police officers in Sumatra? I want one.
9. Daffa Rahmandaa

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Daffa Rahmandaa was once a tourism ambassador in 2018. This handsome police officer has the motto "new day for a good day".
10. Dio Herdico

© instagram.com/dioherdico
Dio Herdico is a graduate of the law faculty. Not only a police officer, Dio Herdico is also the owner of an outdoor equipment store.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.