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10 Moments Atta Halilintar Moves House Assisted by Aurel Hermansyah, Cleaning Together - Protesting His Belongings Being Distributed to Employees

10 Moments Atta Halilintar Moves House Assisted by Aurel Hermansyah, Cleaning Together - Protesting His Belongings Being Distributed to Employees

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10 Moments Atta Halilintar Moves House Assisted by Aurel Hermansyah, Cleaning Together - Protesting His Belongings Being Distributed to Employees

Atta Halilintar finally moves to his new, more luxurious house as a result of his hard work as a YouTuber. Aurel Hermansyah's lover indeed bought a larger house than before as a preparation for their future home after marriage. Take a look at Atta Halilintar's moving moments in the following slides.


Atta Halilintar officially moves to his new house. Therefore, this famous YouTuber moves all the contents of his old house, including his pet turtle in the yard.


For heavy items like sports equipment in his private gym, Atta Halilintar was assisted by many people in unpacking and moving them one by one.


Due to the large number of items in Atta Halilintar's house, the moving process was done with the help of a truck. Atta's move to the new house went smoothly.


Atta Halilintar, of course, was not alone during the move and cleaning, he was assisted by Aurel Hermansyah who will later inhabit this new house together after getting married.


For the first time, Atta saw Aurel cleaning the house. The man born on November 20, 1994 was amazed to see his future wife tidying up the recently moved items.


For a YouTuber like Atta Halilintar, a computer is an essential work equipment. Therefore, the first part of the house that Atta tidied up is, of course, the work desk.


Apparently, Atta Halilintar is indeed fond of cleaning. It is proven when cleaning his belongings, Atta does it very carefully, even in the smallest gaps.


Atta protested because Aurel wanted to share his belongings with the employees during the cleaning. "That's why don't just put it anywhere," said Aurel when her boyfriend protested.


Starting from perfume, hats, to the highly sought-after collection of Pokemon cards, Aurel wants to share everything. Atta immediately saved his belongings to prevent them from being shared.


The process of moving and cleaning Atta and Aurel's house ended with a meal together. As a couple who is called the most uwu, they didn't forget to feed each other while eating.