Born into a wealthy family, Sheena Gabriella Aurora, Momo Geisha's first daughter, also has a very luxurious private room. Even all the furniture in the room is not super big in size.
What does it look like? Let's take a peek!
Indonesian Celebrity Children
Born into a wealthy family, Sheena Gabriella Aurora, Momo Geisha's first daughter, also has a very luxurious private room. Even all the furniture in the room is not super big in size.
What does it look like? Let's take a peek!
Well, here is Brielle's private room, with walls and some furniture dominated by the color pink.
Unlike the others, the long sofa that Momo Geisha usually uses to watch over Brielle is purple to match the wallpaper color.
And here is Brielle's bed, which is already like a princess bed. Behind it, there is a large wallpaper, and next to the bed, there is a table to put various dining items.
The wardrobe contains Brielle's shoe collection and some other items. There are a lot of them.
Switching to another corner, there is a table and a cabinet for taking care of Briell when she was little.
And right next to it, there is a table filled with photos and also a room temperature regulator.
This table is a memorial table, especially for Briell's photos when she was just born.
And here is Briell's super big wardrobe. It's no joke, its size is the same as the size of the room wall. It's huge, and it's filled with a lot of stuff.
This room also has its own bathroom. The design is very comfortable.
Here is where Momo Geisha and Brielle take a bath together. She admitted that she made this bathroom so that it wouldn't be too far from the room.
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