Jordi Onsu has just celebrated his 28th birthday. Ruben Onsu's younger brother held a grand celebration with a unique concept, Jungle & Safari, which also featured animals from birds to elephants. Check out the photos in the following slide!
Celebrity Birthdays
Jordi Onsu has just celebrated his 28th birthday. Ruben Onsu's younger brother held a grand celebration with a unique concept, Jungle & Safari, which also featured animals from birds to elephants. Check out the photos in the following slide!
Jordi Onsu looks happy surrounded by his closest people on his 28th birthday. In accordance with the theme of his birthday party, the guests came with a safari dress code.
A warm hug becomes the source of Jordi Onsu's happiness on his birthday. The celebrity born on June 12, 1993, admits to always inviting the same people every year.
Not to mention his older brother, Ruben Onsu, who has been filling the role of parents for Jordi Onsu as the youngest child.
Ruben Onsu's family, including Sarwendah and the little Thania, came to Jordi Onsu's birthday party wearing adorable colorful leopard-patterned uniforms.
There is also Betrand Peto who is very close to his uncle. Betrand shows his affection by hugging Jordi Onsu tightly on his birthday.
A birthday celebration is certainly not complete without the candle blowing and cake cutting ceremony. A multi-tiered birthday cake can be seen, still in the same theme as Jordi Onsu's birthday party.
Blowing candles and cutting the cake were done by Jordi Onsu together with beloved nieces and nephews. Jordi Onsu even carried Thania so she could blow the candles and cut the cake together.
Although always attended by the same people, there was something different about Jordi Onsu's birthday this time. This birthday party is even more special because it was accompanied by Frislly Herlind.
With the Jungle & Safari theme, Jordi Onsu truly brought various animals to his birthday party, from birds to elephants.
Happy 28th birthday to Jordi Onsu. May he always be blessed with health and happiness with his loved ones. Ameen.
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