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10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

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10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

Vicky Shu's younger sister, Kalia Labitta Yudhasoka, officially married her beloved, Kemal Maruszama, on Sunday, February 23, 2020. Kalia went through a series of ceremonies before finally marrying Kemal. Starting from siraman, akad nikah, to the reception, Kalia's wedding moments always attract attention because they are held luxuriously.


Kalia held a pengajian (religious study) and siraman ceremony on February 15, 2020. Accompanied by her loved ones, Kalia looked beautiful at the siraman event.


She couldn't hide her happiness. This Bandung girl from 2007 always throws her beautiful smile during the procession.


Not only the bride-to-be who looks beautiful, Kalia's mother also looks charming in a pink kebaya.


Kalia Labita herself started her career since she was a teenager. After a long absence, she appeared with happy news about her marriage with Kemal.

10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

Held with Javanese traditional concept, there is a touching moment during Kalia's siraman procession. It's when her mother feeds her. It brings back childhood memories.

10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

The wedding ceremony of Kalia and Kemal was held in the Palembang tradition. Kalia looked beautiful wearing a white kebaya complete with a suntiang on her head.

10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

Unlike the ceremony, Kalia's reception had an international atmosphere. Like a princess, Kalia wore a beautiful crown that complemented her style.

10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

The husband also looked charming wearing a black suit. They both looked harmonious like a king and queen for a day.


The decoration of Kalia and Kemal's reception looked luxurious with an all-white theme. The flowers that served as complements added to the festive atmosphere like a fairytale land.

10 Photos of Vicky Shu's Sister's Wedding Moments, Held Luxuriously From Siraman to Reception Like a Fairy Tale

Happy wedding to Kalia and Kemal, may you always be a happy family!