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10 Pictures of Laith Canning, Tia Azhari's Son from Baby - Now Already a Teenager, Very Handsome

10 Pictures of Laith Canning, Tia Azhari's Son from Baby - Now Already a Teenager, Very Handsome Transformation of Tia Azhari's child (credit: - Tia Azhari's child has now transformed into a handsome teenager. In the latest post, Ayu Azhari's younger sibling showed moments from her son's childhood that caught attention.

This post coincides with Mother's Day. Tia Azhari herself expressed her love for her son. In her message, Tia Azhari mentioned that her son's presence is her greatest happiness.

Regardless of that, the transformation of Latih Canning, Tia Azhari's child from the past to the present, is truly charming. Curious about what the pictures look like? Check them out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Tia Azhari and Nathan Canning's Child

Laith Canning is the beloved child of Tia Azhari and Nathan Canning. Rarely seen on screen, this small family's portrait often steals attention because of their charm and harmony. Meanwhile, Tia Azhari and Nathan Canning's marriage is known to have lasted for more than a decade.

2. Adorable Moments as a Baby

On Mother's Day, Tia Azhari also uploaded a portrait of her son's childhood that caught attention. Just like in this picture, when he was still a baby, Laith Canning looked so cute. His childhood photos are filled with adorable moments often captured by Tia Azhari.

3. Good Looking Since Early Age

Born from parents with beautiful appearances, it's no wonder that Laith Canning inherited their charm. This celebrity's child has been good looking since early age. In addition, Ayu Azhari's nephew shows his charming handsome face. Take a look at this picture, Laith's adorable expression when being carried by his mother.

4. Handsome Face Similar to His Father

In several uploaded moments by Tia Azhari, the closeness between her husband and their only son can be seen. Like in this picture, Laith Canning resembles his father. Capturing this side by side moment further showcases their resemblance from their faces to their eyes.

5. Very Western

It cannot be denied, Laith Canning is a celebrity family child who has mixed blood. This is because Laith Canning's father is known as a foreigner. That's why his handsome face is truly foreign. The combination of the charm of his father and mother is reflected in this portrait.

6. Having Beautiful Eyes

One thing that distracts when looking at Laith Canning's handsome face is his beautiful eyes. Laith has beautiful eye color that adds to the charm of Tia Azhari's child. Look at this portrait, in the close-up photo, the beautiful color of Laith Canning's eyes is clearly visible.

7. Already a Teenager

Now, Laith has transformed into a charming teenager. Currently, he is 17 years old. Through his mother's social media account, Tia Azhari often shares moments with her son who attracts attention. Although Laith Canning has a social media account, it seems that he chooses to maintain his privacy.

8. Looking Handsome

As he grows older, Laith Canning's appearance is becoming more handsome. His matured face and tall stature make him look charming. This is a portrait of Laith Canning uploaded during his 15th birthday celebration in July 2021.

9. Close to His Mother

Laith has a very close relationship with his mother, Tia Azhari. They often spend time together and their special moments are frequently shared on social media. This includes gathering with their extended family who also live abroad.

10. Living in the United States

Just for your information, Tia Azhari's small family lives in the United States. Not only Tia Azhari, her other siblings also reside in Uncle Sam's country. Let's mention Sarah Azhar and Rahma Azhari. This celebrity family often spends time together on various occasions. Even Laith Canning often joins family events. And, this is the latest portrait of Laith Canning, who is growing up and looking more stunning.

This is a portrait of Tia Azhari's son who has grown into a handsome teenager. The charm of this celebrity's child often receives praise.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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