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10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing

10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing


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10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing

Anang and Ashanty's daughter, Aurel Hermansyah, now lives with her husband, Atta Halilintar. This is Anang and Ashanty's first experience of breaking the fast without Aurel's presence.

What does it look like? Check it out here.


Portrait of Ashanty preparing iftar menu together with her assistant, Suteng.


She prepares a lot of food for iftar with the family and employees at home.


Together with Arsy, Anang also had the task of finding takjil to break the fast.

10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing

He chose to buy takjil from a food vendor on the side of the road.


After browsing through options, he decided to buy peyek to bring home.


Upon arriving home, the peyek was prepared to complement the iftar menu.

10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing

Of course, this year's iftar feels a bit incomplete without the presence of Aurel, who now lives with Atta.

10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing

However, despite that, the iftar moment at Anang and Ashanty's house still went on joyfully.


After drinking water and enjoying the appetizers, Anang and his family performed congregational prayer with him as the imam.

10 Portraits of Anang & Ashanty's First Iftar Without Aurel's Presence, Feels Like Something Is Missing

Afterwards, they had a big meal and enjoyed the dishes on the dining table.

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Very Concerned, Nia Ramadhani Accompanies Her Child in Self-Isolation Due to Positive Covid-19 - Accepting the Risk of Infection

Mainaka, the child of Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie, has been tested positive for covid-19 but does not experience any symptoms, also known as asymptomatic. In order not to infect other family members, Mainaka must undergo self-isolation.

Very Concerned, Nia Ramadhani Accompanies Her Child in Self-Isolation Due to Positive Covid-19 - Accepting the Risk of Infection