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10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

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10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

After being diagnosed with cancer, Julia Perez had intended to build a special shelter house for survivors. The house was almost complete and just needed to be furnished with some items.

Unfortunately, fate had a different plan. Now that she has passed away, the fate of the shelter house is uncertain. What does it look like now?


During her lifetime, Julia Perez built a shelter house specifically for cancer patients who had lost their homes. However, unfortunately, before the house could be used, Jupe was called by the Almighty.

10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

The shelter is located not far from Julia Perez's grave. Precisely in Pondok Ranggon, East Jakarta.


According to Nia Anggia, Julia Perez's sister, the house has been standing since the 70s. It can be seen from its old building and some foundations that have started to decay.

10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

The 350 square meter house was bought by the late Julia Perez in 1990. Jupe renovated it as a shelter when she was diagnosed with cancer.

10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

Since Julia Perez's passing, the house has not been functional and unoccupied. However, the family still takes the initiative to make it a shelter as Julia Perez's wish.

10 Portraits of Julia Perez's Fate of Shelter Houses Built for Cancer Patients, Now Abandoned and in Need of Renovation

Julia Perez's shelter has a capacity of 10 - 12 people. Several rooms with beds have been prepared there.


The condition of Julia Perez's shelter looks concerning. Some corners of the walls are starting to crack.


There is even one room with a roof that is starting to have holes. To renovate everything, Julia Perez's family admits that they need billions of rupiah.


There is a bathroom equipped with hot water and a shower.


Not aiming for extravagance, Jupe's family currently only hopes for the house to be renovated soon and become a decent home for cancer patients.