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11 Transformations of Artists Before and After Wearing Braces, From Ussy to Luna Maya

11 Transformations of Artists Before and After Wearing Braces, From Ussy to Luna Maya (Source: Instagram @indrabekti/Instagram @lunamaya) - Not all celebrities have straight teeth. Some of them have irregular teeth, some even protrude forward. This condition often makes them uncomfortable and less confident when in front of the public. Therefore, it is not surprising that some celebrities choose to make small changes to their teeth through braces.

Braces, also known as orthodontic braces, are medical devices used in orthodontics to help correct abnormal alignment of teeth and jaws. Braces consist of metal wires, brackets, and rubber bands that are placed around the teeth to fix irregular positions.

Because it has the benefit of straightening teeth and enhancing beauty, some celebrities like Elly Sugigi decide to wear braces. Elly Sugigi's appearance after wearing braces makes her look more beautiful. Not only Elly Sugigi, many other celebrities also choose to undergo this procedure.

So, are you interested in seeing the before and after photos of 11 celebrities wearing braces? Come on, let's see the photos that have been compiled from various sources.

1. Ussy Sulistiawaty

Before marrying her husband, Ussy Sulistiawaty wore braces. After removing the braces, her appearance became more enchanting with a slim face.

2. Gisela Anastasia

After wearing braces, Gisel obtained a slimmer face and straight teeth. Her appearance now allows her to smile beautifully and radiantly.

3. Aurel Hermansyah

Aurel Hermansyah also chose to wear braces. The medical procedure taken by Atta Halilintar's wife has made Aurel's teeth alignment neater than before.

4. Rina Nose

After consulting with her dentist, Rina Nose chose to wear braces. The improvement on her teeth boosted her confidence.

5. Tiwi former T2

At the beginning of her career, Tiwi, previously known as a member of T2, also used braces to straighten her teeth. After removing the braces, her appearance became more charming, her teeth looked more orderly, and her smile became more enchanting.

6. Luna Maya

Who would believe it? Apparently, Luna Maya used to wear braces. The difference between the before and after photos is clearly visible, which made her appearance truly surprising.

7. Momo former Geisha

When Momo was still a part of the band Geisha, she decided to wear braces to cover her protruding teeth. This transformation made Momo's appearance even more charming, especially with the beautiful smile that radiates from her face.

8. Elly Sugigi

Elly Sugigi wants to have a perfect smile, so she chose to wear braces. After the braces were installed, her appearance became more attractive with neat and beautiful teeth.

9. Anggun C. Sasmi

International singer Anggun C. Sasmi once chose to wear braces despite having protruding teeth at the beginning of her career. This decision was made for aesthetic reasons.

10. Nirina Zubir

Apparently, having crooked teeth made Nirina Zubir lose confidence. As a mother of two children, she chose to fix her teeth by using braces. She was even willing to extract four teeth at once in one day.

11. Irish Bella

Irish Bella, despite having a beautiful face, still feels less confident about her appearance because of her crooked teeth. Therefore, she decided to wear braces to make her teeth look neater.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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