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12 Days Postpartum, Shandy Aulia's Stomach is Already Flat and Slim

12 Days Postpartum, Shandy Aulia's Stomach is Already Flat and Slim Shandy Aulia. Credit: via taken on 24/2/2020 at 21.28 - Shandy Aulia and her husband David Herbowo are currently filled with happiness. Why not, the beautiful actress has just given birth to their first child named Claire Herbowo.

A few days after giving birth, Shandy Aulia uploaded a photo of herself with her baby. Of course, the bond between mother and child immediately caught attention.

However, what has been widely discussed by netizens is Shandy Aulia's body shape. Curious about what it looks like?

1. Shandy's Post

On Monday (24/2), Shandy Aulia uploaded a photo of herself with baby Claire. The actress was seen smiling as she looked at her little one's face.

"12 days ago, Claire Herbowo was still inside mommy's belly and today you can already be touched, hugged, and kissed by mommy. It feels like a dream. I love you so much my bundle little joy," Shandy wrote.

2. Flat Stomach

In addition to the bond between mother and child, Shandy's appearance after 12 days of giving birth to her daughter also caught attention. It's because the woman already looks so slim.

In the photo, Shandy is wearing a top that shows her flat and slim stomach. In the comment section, many netizens discuss Shandy's flat stomach.

What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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