Prilly Latuconsina apparently idolizes Selena Gomez. She even has a collection of bags that Selena has worn. Not only that, Prilly also collects bags like those worn by Hollywood celebrities. Let's take a look at the photos!
Celebrity Activities
Prilly Latuconsina apparently idolizes Selena Gomez. She even has a collection of bags that Selena has worn. Not only that, Prilly also collects bags like those worn by Hollywood celebrities. Let's take a look at the photos!
This Prilly's closet is really spacious. Not only filled with her fashion collection, this room is also equipped with a round chair for sitting while trying on shoes.
Prilly divides her shoe collection into several sections, one of which is sneakers. These black sneakers are her favorite.
She also has a lot of high heels. According to Prilly, her height of only 150 cm requires shoes like this to boost her confidence.
There is also a collection of watches in this room. Prilly shows 3 watches that she often wears.
Prilly's bag collection is also extensive. Apparently, she often buys bags that have been worn by Hollywood celebrities. This is a bag that Rihanna once wore.
Kendall Jenner once posed while wearing this bag, as soon as she saw it, Prilly immediately searched for the bag.
As a big fan of Selena Gomez, Prilly also collects Selena Gomez bags. She even has a bag with Selena's signature!
Prilly also collects vintage bags. Yes, this Channel brand bag was released in the 1980s.
In addition, she also collects unique-designed party bags. From candy wrapper designs to bags with her name on it.
Prilly also divides her wardrobe into several sections. The shirt and jumpsuit section is the one she often opens because she wears these outfits daily.
Prilly's dressing table is also in one corner. It looks clean, with a row of lipsticks there. Yes, because all of Prilly's makeup tools are stored in the drawer.
A collection of headbands, earrings, and necklaces are neatly arranged here. Prilly admits to liking to buy accessories, but only a few that she often wears.
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