Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan held their wedding vows this morning, Friday (16/10/2020) at Nikita Willy's residence. The wedding procession was conducted privately and attended only by family members from both sides. Despite being held at home, this celebrity couple's wedding vows still looked luxurious. Here are the details from the preparations to becoming husband and wife!
12 Portraits of Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan's Wedding Vows: From Stunning Preparations to Blissful Marriage
Instagram Photos
Portraits of Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan's official marriage and showcasing their Marriage Certificate!
During the wedding ceremony, Nikita Willy chose to wear traditional Minang attire, which is characterized by its red color and a headpiece called suntiang.
Before the ceremony, Nikita Willy was seen accompanied by her closest people.
This is a detailed view of Nikita Willy's suntiang from the side. Despite its weight, Nikita Willy looked comfortable and elegant wearing it.
Not to be missed, Niki also wore Galang Gadang, which adorned both of her hands.
On the other hand, Indra Priawan also wore traditional Minang clothing, with Saluak adorning his head.
Although choosing a darker shade of red clothing than Nikita Willy's outfit, they still look so harmonious.
Red color combined with gold indeed looks so luxurious.
Nikita Willy's residence was transformed into a wedding venue with decorations in red and gold like this.
Another detail from Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan's wedding ceremony, you can see that they have an elegant Story Book like this.
Not to mention the artsy and beautiful stationeries.
Indra Priawan proposes to Nikita Willy with a set of diamond-studded gold jewelry and a set of prayer tools. Once again, congratulations on their marriage!
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