Still Being Pursued, Police Confident They Can Capture Other Perpetrators of Syahrini's Similar Porn Video
Police admit they are confident they can catch other perpetrators of Syahrini's similar porn video. - Syahrini finally took firm action against those who have defamed her and tarnished her reputation. Together with her husband, Reino Barack, Syahrini has reported the owners of Instagram accounts that spread pornographic videos similar to her.
As has been known, the police have successfully apprehended the owner of the account @danunyinyir99 with the initials MS and made her a suspect. The woman from Kediri will be charged with several articles, including the Information and Electronic Transactions Law and Pornography.
Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus, the Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police, recently provided details about this case, including the 2 motives why MS cornered Syahrini.
"The first motive is a hatred towards the victim because the victim claimed to be a fan of a public figure who was accused of taking someone close to him. The second motive is that the suspect has a large number of followers and earns income from endorsements," said Yusri Yunus.
The gossip account @danunyinyir99 is not the only one reported by Syahrini. The owner of the account @rumpi.manja.official, who has publicly apologized, is also being targeted by the police.
"I am now fully aware and apologize to him for all my mistakes. I hope this will be the biggest lesson in my life," wrote the account @rumpi.manja.official.
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The Instagram account @danunyinyir99 itself has nearly 100 thousand followers. Not only enjoyed by ordinary netizens, but reportedly some artists also often like the shared posts.
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Police admit they are confident they can catch other perpetrators of Syahrini's similar porn video.
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