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32 Years Together, Ria Enes Never Changes Susan Doll

32 Years Together, Ria Enes Never Changes Susan Doll Ria Enes & Susan Doll © Herdianto - The ventriloquist artist and singer Ria Enes was well-known in her time. She always performed singing with a doll named Susan. According to Ria Enes, Susan has been with her since 1991 when she released her first album titled Si Kodok.

"I can't mention her age. But Susan has been around since I released my first song in 1991. Just count it yourself," said Ria Enes at studio 5 Emtek City, Jakarta, on Thursday (2/11/2023).

1. I'm Still Like I Used to Be

Since having the Susan doll, Ria Enes admits to never changing the same doll until now. She takes care of Susan well.

"According to needs, if there are any damaged parts, those are replaced. (Susan) is taken care of, cleaned is the main thing," said Ria Enes.

"I'm still the same as before," Susan chimed in.

2. Buying New Clothes

In addition to taking good care, Ria Enes also always buys new clothes for Susan. That's why, according to Ria Enes, Susan has a lot of clothes.

"The collection of clothes is very extensive. If not appearing on TV, Susan likes to wear pants," said Ria Enes. "Because I'm a tomboy," Susan added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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