Kapanlagi.com - In the world of anime, there are a series of works that introduce religious elements in a deep and interesting way. Like some anime recommendations with religious elements below that explore captivating religious themes.
With various thought-provoking narratives and strong characters, anime with religious elements not only expand our views on spirituality but also present stories that highlight religious elements in an impressive way.
What are these anime? Here is a list of anime recommendations with exciting religious elements for you to follow. Let's check it out, KLovers.

Anime Hellsing Ultimate (credit: imdb.com)
Rating | 8.3 Myanimelist |
Judul lain | Hellsing Ultimate |
Episode | 10 episode |
Durasi | 49 menit |
Tayang | Crunchyroll, Netflix |
Anime dengan unsur agama pertama ada anime berjudul HELLSING ULTIMATE. Anime ini akan secara kental memberikan unsur kekristenan di era Eropa lama, mungkin sekitaran tahun 1300-an. Di mana mitos-mitos tentang vampir, penyihir, dan penyakit sedang marah di Eropa.
Anime HELLSING ULTIMATE berkisah tentang sebuah organisasi bernama Hellsing yang bertarung melawan makhluk kegelapan, dipimpin oleh Integra Hellsing. Mereka memiliki vampir Alucard sebagai senjata utama dan pelayan vampir, Seras Victoria dan bersama melawan monster.

Anime Record of Ragnarok (credit: imdb.com)
Rating | 6.7 Myanimelist |
Judul lain | Shuumatsu no Walkure |
Episode | 12 episode |
Durasi | 24 menit |
Tayang | Netflix |
Kemudian ada anime dengan unsur agama berjudul RECORD OF RAGNAROK. Anime dengan tema fantasi ini mengisahkan bagaimana Dewa bertarung melawan manusia-manusia terkuat. Dewa-dewa dalam anime ini beragam, dari Dewa Yunani hingga Dewa dalam agama Hindu.
Anime RECORD OF RAGNAROK sendiri berkisah tentang para dewa dari berbagai mitologi yang ingin menghancurkan umat manusia. Namun, seorang Valkyrie bernama Brunhilde menantang keputusan mereka. Dia mengusulkan pertarungan besar antara 13 prajurit manusia terkuat dan 13 dewa.

Anime Hunter X Hunter (credit: imdb.com)
Rating | 9.0 Myanimelist |
Judul lain | Hunter x Hunter |
Episode | 148 episode |
Durasi | 23 menit |
Tayang | Crunchyroll, Netflix, Prime Video, iQIYI |
Ternyata, anime HUNTER X HUNTER masuk dalam daftar anime dengan unsur agama loh KLovers. Ya, dalam anime ini memberikan unsur agama Hindu di mana teknik Nen adalah Bodhisattva Guanyin yang juga dikenal sebagai Avalokiteswara Dengan Seribu Tangan.
Anime HUNTER X HUNTER sendiri berkisah tentang sekelompok pemburu yang menjalani Ujian Hunter, sebuah seleksi berbahaya untuk mendapatkan gelar. Salah satu peserta, Gon Freecss, ingin menemukan ayahnya yang merupakan seorang Hunter legendaris.

Anime Shoukoku no Altair (credit: imdb.com)
Rating | 7.5 Myanimelist |
Judul lain | Altair: A Record of Battles |
Episode | 24 episode |
Durasi | 24 menit |
Tayang | Crunchyroll |
Anime with other religious elements is a series titled SHOUKOKU NO ALTAIR. In this anime, we will be shown very strong Islamic religious elements. Some also take stories from Islamic history, making it a list of anime with religious elements.
This anime, SHOUKOKU NO ALTAIR, follows the story of Tugrul Mahmut, a young pasha in the Stratocracy of Turkiye. Amidst the threat of war from an aggressive Empire, Mahmut tries to maintain peace, despite facing divisions within the Divan.

Anime Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence (credit: imdb.com)
Rating | 7.3 Myanimelist |
Alternative Titles | Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi |
Episodes | 12 episodes |
Duration | 23 minutes |
Streaming | Crunchyroll |
Just like its title, this anime focuses on the elements of Christianity, with a focus on the story of a saint and a pastor in a church.
The anime SAINT CECILIA AND PASTOR LAWRENCE follows the story of Pastor Lawrence who takes care of the Saint Cecilia church on a hill. His presence brings hope to the villagers. However, he is unaware that Cecilia, the guardian of the community, has feelings for him.
Those are some recommendations for anime with religious elements that you can watch. Enjoy the spiritual depth through anime with captivating and inspiring religious elements.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.