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6 Portraits of Shanty Denny, Wife of Denny Cagur, Going to the Traditional Market at Three in the Morning Before Suhoor

6 Portraits of Shanty Denny, Wife of Denny Cagur, Going to the Traditional Market at Three in the Morning Before Suhoor Shanty Denny, Wife of Denny Cagur, Goes to the Market (Credit: Instagram/shantydenny) - Shanty Denny, the wife of comedian Denny Cagur, is known for her simplicity despite having a well-off life. Recently, she shared a unique moment when she went to the traditional market at 3 AM before suhoor.

Not hesitating to appear simple in her pajamas and instant hijab, Shanty wandered the market to buy various kitchen necessities. She purchased a complete stock of groceries, from vegetables, meat, fish, to fruits. Shanty's familiarity with the vendors also drew attention, showcasing her warm and humble side.

So, what does the portrait of Shanty, wife of Denny Cagur, going to the market at three in the morning look like? Check out the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Shanty Denny, Wife of Denny Cagur

As the wife of a famous comedian, Shanty continues to show a simple life, close to the daily lives of ordinary people. Through Instagram, she often shares her daily activities, including moments when she shops for kitchen necessities.

2. Going to the Traditional Market at 3 AM

Before dawn, Shanty was already getting ready to head to the market. Although the time was very early, the market was still bustling with other vendors and buyers who were also preparing for Ramadan needs. This is noteworthy because not many public figures are willing to shop that early.

"The situation at the market early in the morning, before sahur today," captioned Shanty.

3. Simple Appearance, Pajamas and Instant Hijab

There was no glamorous impression in Shanty's appearance when she went to the market. She looked relaxed wearing pajamas and an instant hijab. Her simple style received praise because it showed that she was not afraid to appear as she is in her daily life, without feeling the need to overdo her makeup.

4. Shopping a Lot for Stock

Shanty also bought quite a lot of groceries to stock up at home. She seemed to be selecting various basic necessities as well as complements. Her meticulous shopping style shows that she is accustomed to managing household needs well.

5. Complete with Vegetables, Meat, Fruits

From the video, it can be seen that Shanty is buying various types of groceries, including fresh vegetables, meat, fish, and fruits. She also mentions each of her favorite foods, her husband, and her child.

6. Familiar with the Vendors

In addition to shopping, Shanty is also seen chatting warmly with the vendors at the market. She smiles friendly and interacts casually, indicating that she has shopped there quite often. Her humble and easygoing attitude further impresses netizens.

Well, those are a series of snapshots of Shanty, the wife of Denny Cagur, going to the market at three in the morning. Let's start following news about other celebrity activities, KLovers! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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