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7 Adorable Childhood Photos of Mulan Jameela's Children, Beautiful and Strong Since Early Age

7 Adorable Childhood Photos of Mulan Jameela's Children, Beautiful and Strong Since Early Age Adorable Childhood Photos of Mulan Jameela's Children (credit: instagram/mulanjameela1) - Mulan Jameela is known to have four children. Mulan Jameela's four children have different ages. Mulan's first and second child from her previous marriage are now grown up. 

Meanwhile, Mulan Jameela's third child, Safeea, is now a teenager, while her youngest child, Muhammad Ali, is also growing up. Mulan seems happy with the growth of her four children.

In her latest Instagram post, Mulan reminisces about her children's childhood photos. Curious about what Mulan Jameela's children looked like when they were young? Let's take a look at some of their photos below. 

1. Memories of Childhood

This is one of Mulan Jameela's latest posts that has caught the attention of netizens. In the post, Mulan shows a collage of old photos of her four children when they were young. Mulan uploaded it while reminiscing about the childhood days of her four children that have long passed.

2. Goodlooking Since Early Days

However, this is not the first time Mulan Jameela has uploaded old photos of her children. She has done it several times before. Every old photo of Mulan's children always attracts attention. These old photos are said to be evidence that Mulan's children have been goodlooking since an early age.

3. Resembling Their Mother

Mulan Jameela has specifically posted a photo of her eldest daughter, Tiara Savitri. The photo also garnered attention. Not only beautiful and adorable, Tiara also looks similar to her mother.

4. Inheriting a Star's Aura

In addition to Tiara, Mulan Jameela has also posted several old photos of her other children. When posting a photo of her second child, Rafly Aziz, netizens were also captivated by his handsome appearance. Not only handsome, Mulan's son also exudes a star's aura similar to his mother.

5. So Adorable

Meanwhile, the old photos of Mulan Jameela's second children with Ahmad Dhani, Safeea and Muhammad Ali, were also flooded with compliments from netizens. Since they were babies, Safeea and Muhammad Ali have been incredibly adorable.

6. Similar to Each Other

It is known that Mulan Jameela's four children have different fathers. The first two children, Tiara and Rafly Mulan, are from her previous marriage. Meanwhile, Safeea and Muhammad Ali are from her marriage with Ahmad Dhani.

Interestingly, despite having different fathers, Mulan's children still have similarities with each other. This can be seen in the old photo of Tiara, who is said to be very similar to her youngest sibling, Muhammad Ali.

7. Mutual Love

Even though they have different fathers, Mulan Jameela's children still love each other. On various occasions, they are always seen getting along well. They are all good-looking, always harmonious, and loving towards each other, truly sibling goals!

Those are some old photos of Mulan Jameela's children. How about you, KLovers? Aren't they good-looking and adorable?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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