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7 Compact Portraits of Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan, Fashionable Siblings - Netizens are More Focused on the Age Difference

7 Compact Portraits of Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan, Fashionable Siblings - Netizens are More Focused on the Age Difference Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan (credit:, - Olla Ramlan is one of the most popular celebrities in the country. This successful model is always fashionable. Even her compact portraits with her sister Cynthia Ramlan always attract attention.

Yes, the compactness of Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan is visible in various moments. Starting from hangouts, working together, to moments during holidays. The beauty and fashion style of these siblings always inspire.

So, what are the portraits of Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan who always appear compact and fashionable on various occasions? Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Compact Appearance

Yes, Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan always appear compact when together on various occasions. Whether it's when hanging out, working together, or even together during holidays.


2. 7-Year Age Difference

Apparently, their age difference is quite far KLovers. Yes, Olla Ramlan was born in 1980 and Cynthia Ramlan was born in 1987. Despite the significant age difference, they still remain compact together like twins.


3. Cool Fashion Style

They also have a really cool fashion style. Yes, Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan have graceful and contemporary hijab fashion styles. On their Instagram accounts, they often share cool and graceful hijab outfit ideas.


4. Becoming an Inspiration

Because these two sisters always appear compact with a cool fashion style, Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan have become an inspiration for many women in Indonesia, especially for fashion. Until they become an inspiration for hijab fashion ideas.


5. Working Together

Besides spending time together, these siblings have also worked together several times. Yes, they usually appear as models for a fashion brand together. Even Cynthia, the younger sister, often does photoshoots as a hijab fashion model.


6. Sharing Moments Together

Although they don't meet often and are busy with their own activities, both Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan often share their moments together. They share these moments on their respective Instagram accounts.


7. Supporting Each Other

Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan are also often seen supporting each other. This is evident in how close they are and how they make time to hang out together despite having many activities.

That's the portrait of the closeness between Olla Ramlan and Cynthia Ramlan. Not only do they have a cool fashion style, but these siblings also support each other.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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