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7 Happy Moments of Darius Sinathrya - Donna Agnesia Visiting Their Son Who Plays Soccer in France, Full of Warmth

7 Happy Moments of Darius Sinathrya - Donna Agnesia Visiting Their Son Who Plays Soccer in France, Full of Warmth Darius Sinathrya's family with their children in France (credit: instagram/dagnesia) - Celebrity couple Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya are currently overseas. This time, Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya's trip abroad is not just for vacation, but also to visit their son, Lionel Nathan Sinathrya.

Since September, Lionel, the eldest son of Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya, has been in France. In the country known for the Eiffel Tower, Lionel is attending a football school.

After nearly three months apart, Donna Agnesia, Darius Sinathrya, and their three children can finally be reunited. Curious about the happy moments of Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya visiting their eldest son? Let's take a look at some of the photos below.

1. Departing with Enthusiasm

Darius Sinathrya's family, along with their two children, departed for France last December 17th. Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya were seen capturing their departure moment through a post on Instagram. From the photo, it is clear to see the happiness radiating from their faces.

2. Missing Each Other

Being separated by thousands of kilometers for three months certainly made Darius Sinathrya's family miss each other. It's no wonder that upon arriving in France, Darius, Donna, and their three children immediately let go of their longing. Not only happy, but in the caption of the posted photo, Donna also expressed her gratitude for finally being able to reunite.

3. Family Outing

The moment of missing each other continued for Darius Sinathrya's family as they went on a family outing together. Darius, Donna, and their three children seemed to greatly enjoy their time together as they visited beautiful places in Paris. They visited various beautiful and interesting places, one of which is, of course, the Eiffel Tower.

4. Eating Together

After being separated, gathering around the dining table is something that Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya along with their children long for. As a result, they look very happy when eating together. The moment that used to seem simple because it could be done every day, now feels more meaningful for Darius' family.

5. Appearing Compact

When eating together at a restaurant, Darius Sinathrya's family looks compact wearing matching clothes. Donna Agnesia, Darius Sinathrya, and their three children are dressed in gray-toned outfits. These matching clothes add to the harmonious impression of this football-loving family.

6. Enjoy Togetherness

Both Darius Sinathrya, Donna Agnesia, and their children looked very happy when they finally could gather together. There was no trace of sadness or difficulty on their faces at all. However, some time ago Donna was known to have been sick. But now, Donna instantly looks recovered and refreshed when together with Darius and their children.

7. Full of Warmth

For a long time, Darius Sinathrya's family has been known as one of the harmonious celebrity families. Almost never heard of any scandal that befalls this family. The harmony of Darius' family is increasingly evident in various warm moments. As seen in every moment during their visit to their eldest son who is currently in France.

Those are among a series of happy moments of Darius Sinathrya's family when visiting their eldest son who is currently in France. How about KLovers, truly an example of an ideal family, right?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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