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7 Latest Romantic Japanese Youth Dramas, Full of Sweet Love Stories - Inspiring Self-Discovery

7 Latest Romantic Japanese Youth Dramas, Full of Sweet Love Stories - Inspiring Self-Discovery Romantic Japanese Youth Dramas (credit: - Romantic Japanese youth dramas always captivate viewers with sweet and emotional stories. And there are a series of new dramas that offer fresh and surprising love stories. From high school romance to self-discovery while building romantic relationships.

These latest romantic Japanese youth dramas successfully capture the essence of passionate and challenging youth. These romantic Japanese dramas are ready to become your favorite entertainment by presenting entertaining moments with sweet comedy, tears, and enough inspiration.

So, what are these dramas? Here is a list of the latest romantic Japanese youth dramas that you shouldn't miss. Let's check it out, KLovers.


Rating 8.1 Mydramalist
Episode 11 episode
Durasi 57 minutes
Tayang VIKI
Pemain Arimura Kasumi, Mizukami Koshi, Machida Keita

First romantic Japanese drama with a youth theme titled CHUGAKUSEI NIKKI. This Japanese drama tells the story of Hijiri Suenaga, a junior high school teacher with high aspirations, but she is placed in a remote village. The challenges she faces not only come from the new environment, but also from Akira Kuroiwa, a student who often causes trouble.

Behind Akira's mischief, there is actually a deep love for Hijiri. Hijiri must navigate the complex dynamics of school, meet the demands of the principal, and maintain a long-distance relationship with her fiancé. Meanwhile, Hijiri must also understand her feelings towards Akira in order to help her student become a better person.

2. TAKANE TO HANA (2019)

Rating 7.3 Mydramalist
Episode 8 episode
Durasi 25 minutes
Tayang VIKI
Pemain Takasugi Mahiro, Takeuchi Aisa, Tozuka Junki

There is a second romantic Japanese drama titled TAKANE TO HANA. The story begins when Hana Nonomura, the older sister, refuses to attend an arranged marriage with a wealthy business heir named Takane Saibara. Instead, she agrees to replace her sister, even though she is still in high school.

She does this to save her family's reputation from this arranged marriage. Hana's meeting with Takane results in an unexpected pair, with noticeable age and personality differences, they have different personalities. This triggers a story full of surprises and unique dynamics between the two.


Rating 7.7 Mydramalist
Episode 8 episode
Durasi 22 minutes
Tayang Fuji TV
Pemain Takeuchi Aisa, Itagaki Mizuki, Takeda Rena, Yutaro

Continuing, in 2020 there is a romantic Japanese drama with a youth theme titled SIXTEEN SHOUKOUGUN. The story in this drama centers around four teenagers who struggle against their past traumas and learn to appreciate friendship.

There are Azuma Ibuki and Otazawa Mei, a pair of friends with contrasting personalities. Azuma is a popular tomboy among girls and is called a prince, while Mei is known as a princess. Then there's Asada Mutsumi, a playboy.

He considers women easy to fool. Lastly, Sakurai Nao, someone who is bullied but lives in denial and doesn't stand up for herself. When they meet, the lives of these four teenagers will change drastically.


Rating 7.9 Mydramalist
Episode 10 episode
Durasi 57 minutes
Tayang VIKI
Pemain Nikaido Fumi, Maeda Gordon, Iwata Takanori

Drama PROMISE CINDERELLA is also included in the list of Japanese romantic dramas with a youth theme that you shouldn't miss. It tells the story of Hayame, who becomes lost and loses everything after her happy married life ends tragically.

At her lowest point, she meets Issei, a wealthy high school student who once insulted her. These two different worlds trigger a conflict that breeds hatred between them. However, as time passes and they spend moments together, this hatred will transform into love.

5. FROM ME TO YOU (2023)

Rating 6.9 Mydramalist
Episode 13 episode
Durasi 34 minutes
Tayang Netflix
Pemain Minami Sara, Sazuka Ouji, Sakurai Kaito

In 2023, there is a romantic Japanese drama with a youth theme titled FROM ME TO YOU. This drama tells the story of Kuronuma Sawako, a high school student known as Sadako due to her scary facial expression. Despite being often avoided by her friends due to misunderstandings, Sawako continues to try to be kind.

Her life starts to change when she meets Kazehaya Shota, a popular and friendly student who helps change her image. Slowly, they develop a strong relationship. Their love story is filled with conflicts that threaten their relationship. Together, they must fight prejudice and misunderstandings for their love.


Rating 8.2 Mydramalist
Episode 9 episode
Durasi 24 minutes
Tayang VIKI
Pemain Hashimoto Ryo, Takaishi Akari, Tamura Kairu

Still in 2023, this time there is a drama called TSUIRAKU JK TO HAIJIN KYOSHI. This drama tells the story of Mikoto Ochiai, a high school student who is shaken after her confession of love is rejected and plans to commit suicide on the rooftop of the school building.

However, the presence of Jin Haiba, a physics teacher nicknamed lazy by students, changes Mikoto Ochiai's life. Jin suddenly makes an unexpected request to Mikoto, he wants to date her before Mikoto decides to end her life.


Rating 8.2 Mydramalist
Episode 10 episode
Durasi 57 minutes
Tayang VIKI
Pemain Hirose Suzu, Nagase Ren, Matsumoto Waka

And there's another romantic Japanese drama with a youth theme called YUGURE NI, TE WO TSUNAGU. This drama tells the story of Asagi Soramame, an energetic girl from the countryside, and Umino Oto, a young man with dreams in the field of music, who meet again in Tokyo.

As they share their dreams and face life's challenges together, love begins to grow between them, giving them the strength to pursue their passions in the world of fashion and music. Their support for each other changes their destiny, bringing love and hope.

Those are some of the latest romantic Japanese dramas with a youth theme that you can watch. These dramas not only entertain, but also provide valuable lessons about love and youth.


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