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7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

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7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

Last weekend, precisely on Saturday (19/10), Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven held a 7-month pregnancy event. They welcomed their first child with a luxurious and festive Javanese traditional ceremony in Jakarta.

Baim also showed his funny moves, which made everyone laugh hysterically.

7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

Just from this pose alone, you can already see how mischievous and funny Baim Wong is, right? Instead of posing seriously, this couple chose to appear funny.

7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

Momen 7 bulanan kehamilan Paula disiapkan secara mendadak. Baim dibantu banyak orang, dan juga event organizer untuk menggelar acara ini.

7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

Inilah tempat Paula menggelar acara siraman untuk upacara mitoni kehamilan dalam adat Jawa. Venue ditata dengan sangat cantik dan mewah.


Gedung ini dulunya menjadi tempat pernikahan Baim dan Paula. Sekarang kembali dipakai untuk upacara mitoni calon anak pertama mereka dan ditata sama mewahnya seperti pernikahan.


Sebelum menggelar tujuh bulanan, Baim dan Paula lebih dulu melangsungkan umrah ke Tanah Suci. Di tengah masalah hukum yang sedang dihadapi Baim, mereka beribadah dengan khusyu.


Baim pours water so that Paula can perform ablution. This is one of the series of mitoni ceremonies in Javanese tradition that Paula does for her pregnancy.

7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

Although her pregnancy is already 7 months old, Paula doesn't look different. She remains slim and her beauty aura shines brightly.


Bowing to both parents is one of the processions carried out by Paula and Baim. Despite being emotional, Baim still manages to bring laughter.


Throughout the event, Baim often throws jokes that make all the guests burst into laughter. He also never stops teasing Paula.

7-Month Pregnancy Photos of Paula Verhoeven, Baim Wong Makes People Laugh

When Paula changed clothes as a mitoni tradition, Baim continued to tease his wife and made all the guests laugh.


To Paula and her father, Baim expressed his intention to name their child Tiger Wong. Although rejected by many people, Baim still insisted on giving that name.


Congratulations on your seven-month pregnancy, Paula. May everything go smoothly and healthily until the delivery.