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7 Photos of Andrew Andika with His Child, Hot Daddy

7 Photos of Andrew Andika with His Child, Hot Daddy Photos of Andrew Andika with His Child (Credit: Instagram/andrewandika) - As a celebrity couple, Andrew Andika and Tengku Dewi Putri often attract attention. Moreover, they now have a lovely child. Their activities in taking care of their son named Ehsan are often shared on social media.

Photos of Andrew Andika while taking care of his child also often steal attention. With a handsome face and muscular body, the 36-year-old actor is praised as a very hot daddy. Recently, he accompanied his son while swimming.

Curious about the photos of Andrew Andika with his child, which look very hot daddy? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Andrew Andika with his Child

Andrew Andika is an actor and DJ who has started his career since 2006. He has frequently appeared on television screens since the age of 19, and he continues to be popular until now. He often stars in movies, soap operas, and FTVs. It's no wonder that portraits of Andrew Andika with his child, which are frequently uploaded on Instagram, often become the center of attention.

2. The Son Keeps Getting Cuter

Married to Tengku Dewi Putri in 2017, Andrew Andika already has one child. His son, named Ehsan Rayn Fischer, was born on April 14, 2021. At the age of two, Ehsan is growing even more handsome and adorable.

3. Such a Hot Daddy

As a father, Andrew Andika often shares content while taking care of his child. Whether it's during outings, vacations, or simply relaxing at a coffee shop. It's no wonder that he is praised for having hot daddy vibes. Recently, Andrew Andika accompanied his son for swimming.

4. Showing off a Fit Body

Not only handsome face, this 36-year-old actor also has a good physique. While swimming, he proudly shows off his fit body. It's no wonder that Andrew Andika is praised as an ideal father and husband.

5. Frequently Uploads Family Content

Not only with his son, Andrew Andika also frequently uploads family content. He and his wife, Tengku Dewi Putri, always appear united in taking care of Ehsan. They also regularly show their affection for each other, KLovers!

6. Holiday Moments

Here are the portraits of Andrew Andika and Tengku Dewi Putri's family vacation in Puncak. They are seen enjoying moments while eating with a giraffe. Although still very young, Ehsan is already good at posing in front of the camera, KLovers!

7. Always Harmonious

Until now, the marriage life of Andrew Andika and Tengku Dewi Putri has been peaceful. Throughout their five years of marriage, they have not been involved in any unpleasant rumors. Instead, they consistently showcase their affectionate portraits on Instagram.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Andrew Andika with his child that look really hot daddy.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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