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7 Photos of Bilal, Ummi Pipik's Son, Giving a Lecture, Mothers Distracted by His Thick Eyebrows

7 Photos of Bilal, Ummi Pipik's Son, Giving a Lecture, Mothers Distracted by His Thick Eyebrows

Celebrity Children

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7 Photos of Bilal, Ummi Pipik's Son, Giving a Lecture, Mothers Distracted by His Thick Eyebrows

Bilal is the youngest child of Pipik Dian Irawati or Ummi Pipik from her marriage to the late Ustaz Jeffry Al Buchori, also known as Uje. It’s hard to believe, Bilal has now grown into a teenager who looks increasingly handsome. Not only that, Bilal is now starting to give lectures like his late father did. What do his photos look like?


Like his siblings, Bilal was raised in a religious environment, with strong Islamic values instilled by his mother and his late father. 


Bilal had to leave his mother and three sisters in Indonesia several times to study abroad. Tarim, Yemen, is one of the places where Bilal studied.


When parting with his family, Ummi Pipik admitted that she couldn't hold back her longing even though Bilal's departure was only temporary and for a noble purpose. 


Bilal, who is now estimated to be 16 years old, has started accompanying Ummi Pipik in preaching to various places.


Bilal's appearance then distracted the attention of the mothers because he has thick eyebrows. 


Yes, Bilal looks even more handsome like the late Uje who left him forever when he was still a toddler. 


On several occasions, Bilal appeared to be very close with his three older siblings, including his brother-in-law, football player Egy Maulana Vikri. 

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