You may not know that Citra Kirana actually has a house with a strong modern minimalist atmosphere, plus a little touch of elegance inside. What does the picture of the house look like? Find out more here.
Indonesian Celebrity Homes
You may not know that Citra Kirana actually has a house with a strong modern minimalist atmosphere, plus a little touch of elegance inside. What does the picture of the house look like? Find out more here.
Citra Kirana has a house with a minimalist atmosphere. It can be seen from the chosen ivory color for her house.
The house itself appears minimalist with the use of monochrome paint in elegant colors.
Just look at the application in this dining room, it looks elegant and minimalist, right?
The kitchen also looks minimalist with the use of white color on its furniture.
A modern impression is presented with bookshelves and several decorations attached to the wall.
This is a portrait of Citra's bedroom. It is also minimalist, but this one carries a modern element.
A modern and minimalist impression is clearly reflected in this corner of the room, with the use of gray paint and minimalist shelves.
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The neighbors often see apparitions from this house.
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