There is a very eye-catching view on Titi Kamal's Instagram account recently. Christian Sugiono's wife apparently showcased photos of their sons' room, Arjuna Zayan Sugiono and Kai Attar Sugiono, with an outer space theme. Curious to see how the photos look? ;)
7 Photos of Kai & Juna, Titi Kamal's Sons' Room Decorated with Outer Space Theme - Adorned with World Map
Indonesian Celebrity Children
This is what Titi Kamal's two champions, Arjuna Zayan Sugiono and Kai Attar Sugiono's room looks like.
Kai, who is brave enough to sleep with his brother Juna, enjoys sleeping in his cool and outer space-themed room.
Just look at how Kai and Juna's room is decorated with pictures of planets and rockets.
In another corner of the room, you can also see Juna and Kai's neatly arranged toy collection in each drawer.
But there's something special about the wall in this corner. Want to know?
If previously the bed area was decorated with an outer space theme, Titi and Tian chose a world map for the wall in this corner.
Seeing how cool and tidy this room is, it's no wonder Kai is brave enough to sleep with his brother alone? ;)
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