The cycling trend is also done by Reino Barack and Syahrini. They didn't hold back, cycling directly in Bogor Botanical Gardens. What was it like? Take a look!
Celebrity Activities
The cycling trend is also done by Reino Barack and Syahrini. They didn't hold back, cycling directly in Bogor Botanical Gardens. What was it like? Take a look!
A while ago, Syahrini along with her husband and family went to Bogor Botanical Gardens. While there, they went cycling around the garden area.
According to Aisyahrani, Syahrini's brother, just cycling alone was complicated for them. It was so complicated that Rani even mentioned that President Jokowi is not as complicated as this.
While going around various areas, Syahrini suddenly found that her husband's legs and hands were injured. Apparently, Reino fell while cycling.
As a wife, this singer from Sukabumi, West Java, immediately took action. She took cotton and quickly searched for medicine. Reino's hand was immediately cleaned and treated.
Wounds on the leg area also did not escape the attention of the singer of the song Restu. Yes, wholeheartedly, Syahrini immediately cleans and treats Reino's wounds.
Syahrini could be one of the most enthusiastic about cycling that day. However, when passing the uphill, she chose to get off and push her bike. She admitted she couldn't do it.
Wow, Syahrini's enthusiasm apparently is not as big as her mother's. Yes, even though she is older, Syahrini's mother remains enthusiastic about cycling and conquering various bike terrains.
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