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7 Portraits of Anita Ratnasari's Appearance, Putri Tanjung's Mother Who Also Captivated Attention on Her Child's Wedding Day - Beautiful and Ageless

7 Portraits of Anita Ratnasari's Appearance, Putri Tanjung's Mother Who Also Captivated Attention on Her Child's Wedding Day - Beautiful and Ageless Putri Tanjung's mother's appearance captivated attention (credit: - Last Sunday, March 20, 2022, Putri Tanjung was officially married to Guinandra Jatikusumo. Their second wedding was held with a strong Javanese tradition. Not only the bride and groom, netizens' attention was also directed towards the people at the event, including Anita Ratnasari, Putri Tanjung's mother.

What was Anita's appearance like on her child's happy day? Here are some photos.

1. Attention netizens apparently also focused on the figure of Anita Ratnasari, Putri Tanjung's mother on her happy day yesterday.

2. In a series of her child's wedding events, Anita looked so graceful wearing kebaya kutubaru.

3. During Putri Tanjung's siraman, Anita wore a red kebaya that made her appearance so captivating.

4. Although she is already over 50 years old, Anita still looks beautiful and youthful.

5. Not a few netizens praised the appearance of Chairul Tanjung's wife.

6. No wonder Princess Tanjung is a beautiful and charming woman. Her mother is just as beautiful as her!

7. The wedding of Princess Tanjung and Guinandra was attended by a number of important figures in the country. Including Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President Jokowi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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