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7 Portraits of Atta Halilintar Pursuing Equivalent High School Education, Becoming the Oldest Participant

7 Portraits of Atta Halilintar Pursuing Equivalent High School Education, Becoming the Oldest Participant Portraits of Atta Halilintar taking the SMP to SMA exam (credit: - Atta Halilintar shares the moment when taking the pursuit exam. Despite being the oldest, Aurel Hermansyah's husband seems unashamed when taking the exam with younger students.

As is known, Aurel Hermansyah's husband, Atta Halilintar, decided to pursue the C program to continue his education. This successful YouTuber's decision coincided with his desire to continue his studies.

Recently, Atta Halilintar has taken the pursuit exam along with other participants. Curious about what the portraits look like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Atta Halilintar Taking the C Package Exam

Atta Halilintar's participation in the C Package program has attracted public attention. Despite being 29 years old and already married, it did not prevent Aurel Hermansyah's husband from continuing his postponed education. Previously, Atta Halilintar had completed the C Package semester lessons.

"UJIAN SMP ke SMA semoga lulus dah," Atta Halilintar wrote in the caption @attahalilintar.

2. Admitting Happiness in Meeting Various Backgrounds

Admitting that one of the things that makes him happy is meeting people from different backgrounds. This experience opens his eyes to diverse realities and expands his perspective on education.

"It's exciting to take this package exam and meet kids with different backgrounds," he said.

3. Being the Oldest

In his latest post, Atta Halilintar admitted to being the oldest exam participant. However, Atta Halilintar appeared unashamed and confident in taking the exam. His presence among other exam participants also caught attention. He also captured moments with other exam participants pursuing different packages, as shown in this portrait.

"Even though I'm the oldest, I can still act like a high school student," Atta Halilintar continued.

4. Focused on Taking the Exam

Amidst his busy schedule, Atta Halilintar shows his commitment to obtaining a high school diploma. It's no wonder he is focused on taking exams, as shown in this portrait. He sits in the front row in the exam room and is seen diligently working on the distributed exam questions.

5. Still Looks Youthful

Despite being the oldest participant, Atta is still able to blend in with the other participants. His presence serves as an inspiration and motivation to pursue education without age limits. In addition, Atta Halilintar appears neat in black and white attire while taking the Kejar Paket C exam.

This is how Atta Halilintar bonds with several children. He also shares his experiences of meeting and interacting with other exam participants and their different stories.

"Here, there are victims of bullying in school, children with special needs, or even children who have been involved in art since they were young," he said.

6. Atta Hopes to Graduate

Atta has high hopes of successfully completing the Kejar Paket C program and obtaining a high school diploma. In his spare time, Atta has shown his studying activities, even from a distance. He always prepares for exams thoroughly.

7. Familiar with Other Children

When participating in the Kejar Paket C exam, Atta Halilintar appeared very familiar with the other participants. He smiled when he met and greeted them. Like in this portrait, Atta Halilintar's friendly attitude when with a number of children. Atta Halilintar's latest post has received positive praise from netizens.

"Not being able to go to school can happen, but don't stop learning from happening," wrote Atta Halilintar

That's a portrait of Atta Halilintar taking the Kejar Paket exam with other participants. Atta Halilintar's participation in the Kejar Paket C program also provides motivation and inspiration.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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