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7 Portraits of Baby Julia's Baptism, Jessica Tanoe's 8-Month-Old Daughter

7 Portraits of Baby Julia's Baptism, Jessica Tanoe's 8-Month-Old Daughter (Source: Instagram @jessicatanoe) - Jessica Tanoesoedibjo and Jonathan Natakusuma are celebrating their happiness because their little daughter, Julia Eden Sariaatmadja, was just baptized on Sunday, June 16, 2024.

This ceremony is one of the many special gifts in Jessica's life, considering that Julia was baptized right after her 30th birthday on June 15, 2024.

1. Baby Julia Wears Cute White Dress

On her special day, baby Julia looks charming wearing a cute white dress.

2. Baptized at 8 Months Old

Jessica and Jonathan decided to baptize their daughter when she was 8 months old.

3. Baby Julia Looks Calm and Adorable

The ceremony went solemnly. Baby Julia looked calm and adorable as she was embraced by her mother.

4. Liliana Tanoesoedibjo Looks Happy

As a grandmother, Liliana Tanoesoedibjo is very happy to see her beloved grandchild. Therefore, she shared the announcement that Baby Julia will be baptized on her Instagram Story.

5. Say Congratulations to Her Granddaughter

"May God always guide, protect, and bless you, Jon and baby Julia," said Liliana in her post.

6. Photo Together with Grandma and Great-grandmother

Warm photo of baby Julia with her grandma and great-grandmother. Three charming generations.

7. Always Smiling

During the baptism event, baby Julia always appeared to be smiling.

8. Netizens are Also Curious about This Topic

Where did Jessica Tanoesoedibjo give birth?

Jessica Tanoesoedibjo gave birth to her first daughter named Julia Eden Sariaatmadja on October 11, 2023 at Siloam Hospital, Jakarta.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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