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7 Portraits of Brinette, Marcellino Lefrandt and Dewi Rezer's Teenage Daughter, with a Tomboy Style, Short Hair but a Sweet Smile

7 Portraits of Brinette, Marcellino Lefrandt and Dewi Rezer's Teenage Daughter, with a Tomboy Style, Short Hair but a Sweet Smile Portrait of Brinette, the Child of Marcellino Lefrandt and Dewi Rezer who is Now a Teenager (credit: instagram/marcelinolefrandt/rezerdewi) - From his marriage with Dewi Rezer in the past, Marcellino Lefrandt is known to have two children. The eldest child of Marcellino Lefrandt and Dewi Rezer, named Brinette, is now a teenager.

Several times, Brinette has caught public attention because of her beautiful appearance. In addition, Brinette's tomboy style with short hair often makes her the center of attention. Despite her tomboy style, Brinette still looks sweet when she smiles.

Curious about what Brinette, the child of Marcellino Lefrandt who is now a teenager, looks like? Let's take a look at some of her portraits below.


1. Just Entered High School

This is a portrait of Brinette, the eldest child of Marcellino Lefrandt and Dewi Rezer. Brinette just graduated from junior high school a few months ago. On her graduation day, Brinette looked enchanting in a kebaya. The happiness aura also clearly radiates from her face.


2. Tomboy Style

Brinette has a unique style. Brinette has a somewhat tomboyish nature. This tomboy impression can be seen from her short haircut that she often gets. In addition, Brinette also often wears simple clothes like a boy, such as t-shirts, jeans, and outerwear.


3. Enchantingly Beautiful

Interestingly, Brinette's tomboy style does not hide her enchanting beauty at all. Brinette still looks beautifully captivating with her smooth and radiant face.


4. Having a Sweet Smile

Aside from her beautiful and enchanting appearance, Brinette also has a very sweet smile. When she smiles, the charm of her beauty radiates from her lovely face. It's very refreshing.


5. Fashion Simple But Stylish

Just like most other tomboy girls, Brinette also has a simple fashion style. Brinette's clothing style is far from fancy. Brinette is often seen wearing jeans with a t-shirt or shirt.


6. Close to Family

Although her parents are divorced, Brinette remains close to Marcellino Lefrandt and Dewi Rezer. Together with her younger sibling, Brinette still spends a lot of time with both of her parents. Moments of togetherness with her father, mother, and sibling always feel warm.


7. Talent in Drawing

Having famous celebrity parents, until now Brinette has not shown any interest in following her parents' footsteps in the entertainment world. In terms of artistry, Brinette is actually talented in drawing instead of acting like her father and mother.

Those are some portraits of Brinette, Marcellino Lefrandt's teenage daughter. How sweet is Brinette's smile, KLovers?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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