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7 Portraits of Friendship between Safeea Ahmad and Andra Ramadhan's Children, Beautiful Teenage Besties

7 Portraits of Friendship between Safeea Ahmad and Andra Ramadhan's Children, Beautiful Teenage Besties Portrait of Safeea Ahmad's Friendship with Andra Ramadhan's Child (credit: instagram/khadeejaisha/shafeeamd_) - Safeea Ahmad, the child of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela, has been in the spotlight several times. Like a few days ago, when Safeea made a new post on Instagram. In an instant, the post caught the attention of netizens.

In her latest post, Safeea showed her close friendship with Khadeeja, the child of Andra Ramadhan. Just like their fathers, Safeea and Khadeeja also appear very close like a duo group.

Curious about what the portrait of Safeea and Khadeeja's friendship with Andra Ramadhan's child looks like? Let's take a look at some of their portraits below.


1. Very Compact

The friendship between Safeea and Khadeeja appears to be very close. They always seem to be in sync whenever they spend time together. Like in this moment, Safeea and Khadeeja look compact wearing hats and sunglasses.


2. Like Sisters

They are so close that Safeea and Khadeeja are like sisters. That's why they often show such intimate interactions like holding hands. They truly look like besties who feel like sisters.


3. Equally Beautiful

Safeea and Khadeeja's appearances often become the center of attention. It's understandable, as both Safeea and Khadeeja have equally charming beautiful faces. Their beauty shines even more in their teenage years.


4. Stylish Style Becomes the Spotlight

Not only beautiful, Safeea and Khadeeja also have stylish styles. Safeea and Khadeeja's OOTD styles often receive praise. Not only from netizens, but Tissa Biani, who is Dul Jaelani's girlfriend and Safeea's sister, also often praises the stylish style of Ahmad Dhani and Andra Ramadhan's daughter.


5. Called Suitable to be a Duo

Because they both have enchanting appearances, many consider Safeea and Khadeeja suitable to be a duo. Moreover, besides having enchanting appearances, Safeea and Khadeeja also have a bright star aura.


6. Often Spend Time Together

Like any other friends, Safeea and Khadeeja also often spend time together. Not only the two of them, occasionally Safeea and Khadeeja also go out to gather with their other friends.


7. Full of Warmth

Every moment of togetherness with Safeea, Khadeeja, and their friends always feels full of warmth. The warm impression is clearly seen from their moments together filled with jokes and laughter. 

Those are some of the portraits of friendship between Safeea and Khadeeja, Andra Ramadhan's children. How about it, KLovers? These two friends are very close, right?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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