The Nia Ramadhani family is increasingly staying away from the spotlight after Nia and Ardi were caught in a drug case. Recently, Mikhayla, Nia's daughter, was known to attend Tere's wedding as a former assistant. Take a peek at the photos!
Celebrity Children
The Nia Ramadhani family is increasingly staying away from the spotlight after Nia and Ardi were caught in a drug case. Recently, Mikhayla, Nia's daughter, was known to attend Tere's wedding as a former assistant. Take a peek at the photos!
Happy news has just come from Tere, Nia Ramadhani's former assistant. He officially tied the knot with his beloved.
The wedding was attended by friends and family. Mikhayla didn't miss out. She appeared in a white gown and a headpiece like a European princess.
As KLovers know, Tere has been very close to the Bakrie family. Even during vacations abroad, Tere joins in. It's no wonder that he and Mikhayla are like family.
Mikha's appearance is the center of attention. Not only is she wearing an elegant white dress, but she also styles her hair beautifully. In fact, there are pink highlights here and there.
Given an important task, Mikhayla was chosen to be the flower girl. Yes, she carries a basket of flowers and scatters them.
She bears witness to the sacred event. Mikha also caught the attention of the guests because she was late in scattering the flowers. However, it was not a problem.
Mikha's presence at that moment also satisfies the longing of the fans. Yes, even at this young age, Mikha already has fans!
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