What were your report card values when you were in school? These celebrities uploaded their report card values through their social media, you know. Some of the values made them feel inferior!
Who are they? Find out more here.
What were your report card values when you were in school? These celebrities uploaded their report card values through their social media, you know. Some of the values made them feel inferior!
Who are they? Find out more here.
Betrand Peto achieved good results even though he was in a new school. He even got a score of 92 for Mandarin subject.
Devano Danendra graduated from high school with satisfying grades, even surpassing the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM).
This is Jerome Polin's report card when he was in 12th grade, making other students feel inferior!
Maia Estianty once uploaded El Rumi's report card on her personal Instagram, his grades were really good!
Just look at Prilly Latuconsina's school grades, she's talented.
There's Bella Shofie who uploaded her old picture in the report book. Bella Shofie's report card has a score of 9.67 for mathematics and 8.80 for English.
Ashanty was surprised by Arsy's report card grade in Mathematics, it's really good!
Here are a series of photos of Ayang, Tasya Farasya's child whose face is still hidden. Curious
Siti Badriah looks very happy in her latest maternity photoshoot. What do the photos look like?
The photoshoot of Lesti-Billar's child and Sule-Nathalie Holscher's child successfully made netizens fall in love.
The Princess of Brunei Darussalam, Princess Fadzilah Lubalul Bolkiah, held her wedding for 10 days.
Here are a series of sweet moments photos of Nurul Arifin and the late Maura Magnalia, which are now just memories.
Netizens think that Venna wears clothes that are too tight and not suitable for her age.
Nurul Arifin and her husband now have to accept the departure of the late Maura Magnalia.
Let's take a look at the pictures of Ririe Fairus who is now even more beautiful and approached by many men!
Curious about what portraits of Mrs. Andre Taulany look like? Let's take a look through the following news photos!
Let's take a look at Dimas Ahmad and Rafathar's intimate moments in Bali!
This is a portrait of the funeral home colored by tears from family and loved ones.
Rossa once had a marriage relationship with Yoyo, the drummer of the band PADI. They were married on March 18, 2004.