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7 Portraits of Ricky Harun and Herfiza's Harmonious Family, Happiness Feels Complete with the Arrival of Their Fourth Child

7 Portraits of Ricky Harun and Herfiza's Harmonious Family, Happiness Feels Complete with the Arrival of Their Fourth Child (Ricky Harun's Family (credit: - On March 21, 2020, Herfiza, the partner of actor Ricky Harun, gave birth to a baby girl named Aisyah Akyza Pratama. Despite giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic, both Ricky Harun and Herfiza were still happy to welcome their fourth child. This can be seen through their joyful and harmonious posts on Instagram.

As known, Ricky Harun and Herfiza have 2 sons and 2 daughters, named Mikaila Akyza Pratama, Athaya Akyza Pratama, Dhia Akyza Pratama, and the youngest, Aisyah Akyza Pratama.

Having 2 daughters and 2 sons has made Ricky Harun's family even happier. Want to know what the harmonious portrait of Ricky Harun's family looks like after the arrival of their fourth daughter? Let's find out.

1. Selfie Before Giving Birth

This is a funny moment shared by Ricky Harun through his Instagram account. Instead of giving a tense impression, Ricky Harun and Herfiza took a selfie with cheerful faces. Yes, they took the selfie before Herfiza gave birth.

Herfiza can be seen lying on the bed and smiling sweetly, while Ricky Harun made a funny but happy facial expression. Ricky Harun also didn't forget to give a caption consisting of prayers and wishes for Herfiza and the baby to have a smooth delivery process.

They are truly a lovely couple, KLovers.

2. After the Delivery Process

After going through the delivery process, Herfiza managed to take a photo together with Ricky Harun and the newborn baby. Without any signs of fatigue, Herfiza still smiled sweetly and looked happy for the successful delivery process.

Ricky Harun also didn't forget to give a caption in his post expressing gratitude, prayers, and revealing the name of the newborn baby.

3. Family Photo

The moment together was also captured. This time it can be seen from the togetherness of Ricky Harun's children with their youngest sibling. It is evident how harmonious Ricky Harun, Herfiza, and their four children are.

4. Moment with Siblings

This time Aisyah took a photo with her three siblings, Mikaila, Athaya, and Dhia. The three of them looked happy and enthusiastic to see their newly born sibling. Even in this corona pandemic situation, Ricky Harun and Herfiza's family still smile happily.

5. Moment with Mother

In such a happy moment, Ricky Harun's mother, Donna Harun, also appeared to visit Herfiza and her grandchild. Ricky Harun didn't forget to capture and upload that moment on social media. Ricky also expressed his gratitude to his mother for being willing to accompany and help Ricky and Herfiza despite the current situation.

Indeed, they are a harmonious family, KLovers.

6. Moments with Kak Kiya

This time the harmony of Ricky Harun's family and Herfiza is seen when Aisyah is with Mikaila, Ricky Harun's first daughter. The eldest is so happy when she can carry her younger sibling. Because when at the hospital, Mikaila was not allowed to carry her.

7. Sunbathing

Ricky is sharing moments with Aisyah again. The youngest is seen sunbathing wearing oversized white sunglasses.

Also, Ricky Harun added a caption to his post, 'Sunbathing Time'. Wow, this young father is so cute, KLovers.

Those are the 7 harmonious portraits of Ricky Harun and Herfiza, the happiness of their family feels complete after having their fourth child. May Ricky Harun's family always be happy and their children become good children. Congratulations to Ricky and Herfiza.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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