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7 Portraits of Safeea's Birthday Celebration, Ahmad Dhani & Mulan Jameela's Daughter, Secretly Maia Estianty Also Gives a Gift

7 Portraits of Safeea's Birthday Celebration, Ahmad Dhani & Mulan Jameela's Daughter, Secretly Maia Estianty Also Gives a Gift Safeea's Birthday Moment (Credit: Instagram/alghazali7 and Youtube/MAIA ALELDUL TV) - Safeea Ahmad, the daughter of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela, just celebrated her 11th birthday. In the celebration, Safeea received a flood of gifts from her loved ones. Not only did she receive gifts from her siblings, such as Al Ghazali, El Rumi, and Dul Jaelani, she also received a gift from Maia Estianty.

Maia Estianty took the time to order a pink birthday cake for the daughter of her ex-husband. While shopping for gifts, Al Ghazali received a phone call to pick up Safeea's cake from her mother.

Not only that, Safeea also received a gift from her brother's girlfriend. The moment of opening gifts was a joyful occasion. For those of you who are curious about the portraits of Safeea's birthday celebration, let's directly see the complete information below.


1. Attended by Family and Friends

Safeea's 11th birthday can be considered simple, but it feels so warm with the presence of family. The event was filled with gathering, swimming, and eating at Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela's rooftop residence.

Safeea's siblings, Al and Dul, were also seen bringing their respective partners. Al came with Alyssa and Dul came with Tissa Biani.


2. Shoes Gift from Kak Dul

Before going to the event venue, Dul went to the mall first to buy a gift for his beloved sister. Dul seemed to understand his sister so well, that he chose a shoe model according to Safeea's taste.

"Her style is a bit tomboy, not really tomboy, more like rock, she likes black, her clothes are black, so I want to give her black shoes,"

For Dul, this shoe gift will carry a special message for Safeea's growing age. It can be a new stepping stone for Safeea to be more motivated.


3. A Set of Makeup Tools from Kak Al

Just like Dul, Safeea's older sister also took the time to go to the mall to buy a set of makeup tools for her teenage sister.

"As far as I know, Feea has started to like makeup so I bought her some makeup. Hopefully she likes it," said Al Ghazali.


4. El Rumi Plans to Give Game Coins as a Gift

Unlike Al and Dul who have prepared gifts for their sister, El has not made any preparations yet. He admitted that he has just recovered from COVID, and the Peduli Lindungi application system has not allowed him to enter the mall. Nevertheless, El plans to give Safeea game coins.

"I'll buy game coins... So she can understand that life is just a game, don't take it too seriously," said El while laughing.


5. Safeea's Birthday Cake from Maia Estianty

In addition to receiving nice gifts from her sister, Safeea also received a birthday cake from Maia Estianty. The cake was entrusted to Al when he was about to leave for Safeea's event. Coincidentally, Safeea had not blown out the candles yet, so she could make a wish and blow out the candles with the pink macaron cake.


6. Gifts from Kak Tissa and Kak Alyssa

Safeea's happiness is complete with the gifts given by her sister's boyfriend. She looked happy to receive a perfume gift from Tissa Biani, Dul Jaelani's girlfriend. She also couldn't hide her surprise and happiness when opening the gift from Alyssa, Al Ghazali's girlfriend. Safeea received a nail salon set to play with.


7. Blowing Out the Candle Moment

Safeea's blowing out the candle moment was done with relatives and family on the rooftop of the house. However, because the wind outside was quite strong, the candle was not lit. Nevertheless, the whole family sang the song Selamat Ulang Tahun (Happy Birthday) together for Safeea.

KLovers, those are a series of Safeea's birthday pictures who apparently also received a gift from Maia Estianty.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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