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7 Portraits of Sule's Children Visiting Bintang, Their Stepsister, Mahalini and Putri Delina's Boyfriend Also Joined

7 Portraits of Sule's Children Visiting Bintang, Their Stepsister, Mahalini and Putri Delina's Boyfriend Also Joined Portrait of Sule's children visiting their half-sibling Bintang (credit: Delina) - Coinciding with the Eid moment, Sule's four children met Bintang, their half-sibling. The togetherness of these celebrity children is seen to be warm and affectionate.

The closeness between Sule's children and Bintang often attracts attention. Despite being a half-sibling, Sule's four children seem to be very loving and attentive to Bintang. Several moments often show the closeness of Sule's children with Bintang, who are very close.

Recently, Sule's four children celebrated Eid with Bintang at their residence. Curious about what the portrait of Sule's children visiting Bintang, their half-sibling, looks like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Sule's Children Meeting Bintang

Sule's four children recently met Bintang, their half-sibling. This meeting felt special because everyone went to Bintang's house. The interaction between these celebrity children and their half-sibling often steals attention. Moreover, they seem to love Bintang even though they are not blood siblings. This is a portrait of Sule's children together with Bintang. For your information, Bintang is the child from the late marriage of Lina Jubaedah and Teddy Pardiyana.

2. United in Coming to the House During Eid

If previously only Putri Delina visited Bintang's house, this time all the siblings also came along. Among them are Rizky Febian, Rizwan, and Ferdinan. The arrival of Sule's children to meet Bintang is not without reason, as it coincides with the Eid moment. The four of them also celebrated Eid at Bintang's house. When they arrived at their half-sibling's house, Rizky, Putri, Rizwan, and Ferdi immediately received a warm welcome. Shortly after, the four of them hurried to meet their half-sibling.

3. Ada Mahalini

Not only Sule's children, Mahalini Raharja, Rizky Febian's partner, also joined in meeting Bintang. At first, Bintang was a bit shy when his older siblings came. In addition, Mahalini gave a gift to Bintang. The interaction between Mahalini and Rizky Febian's step-sibling looked adorable. Knowing that Bintang likes makeup, the singer of the song Sisa Rasa even asked Bintang to do her makeup before singing.

4. Putri Delina Invites Her Lover

In addition, Putri Delina also invited her lover, Jeffry Reksa, to join in meeting Bintang. Jeffry's appearance even matched with his lover's family, wearing a uniform outfit. In the moment of meeting with Putri Delina's step-sibling, Jeffry Reksa also tried to be friendly. This is a portrait of Jeffry Reksa being friendly with Bintang.

5. Looking Happy

His four siblings came to the house, Bintang looked happy. Sule's children even prepared a special gift for Bintang, which is various Hello Kitty characters. Seeing the gift, Bintang looked very happy and thankful. This is how sweet the moment of Bintang with his step siblings.

6. Full of Warmth

The warm and friendly atmosphere was felt during their meeting. In addition, Sule's children also showed love and care for Bintang. Moreover, there was a sweet moment when Bintang hugged and kissed each of his siblings. Although the meeting didn't last long, this moment shows how close the relationship between Sule's four children and Bintang is.

7. Invite to Play and Joke

Not only did they meet, but they also played and joked around with their stepsister. The atmosphere became warm when Bintang's smile managed to warm the hearts of his siblings. Before leaving, the four children of Sule showed their affection towards Bintang. This is a sweet portrait of Rizky, Putri, Rizwan, and Ferdi together with Bintang.

That was the moment when Rizky, Putri, Rizwan, and Ferdi met Bintang, their stepsister who stole the attention. This togetherness shows a harmonious and loving relationship despite not being blood-related.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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