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7 Portraits of Wulan Guritno's Beautiful and Loving Mother, Still Looks Forever Young

7 Portraits of Wulan Guritno's Beautiful and Loving Mother, Still Looks Forever Young Portraits of Wulan Guritno's mother (credit: - Wulan Guritno is known as one of the artists who has a beautiful and forever young face. Apparently, the charm of the artist is inherited from her mother who is equally captivating at the age of sixty.

Recently, Wulan Guritno celebrated her beloved mother's birthday. In her latest post, the togetherness of the artist with her mother is seen as very warm. Meanwhile, Deana Battams, Wulan Guritno's mother, is also stealing attention.

The beautiful appearance of this artist's mother still looks forever young and captivating. Curious about the latest portraits of Wulan Guritno's mother? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Mother Wulan Guritno

The mother of famous artist Wulan Guritno always attracts attention. She is Deana Battams, Wulan Guritno's mother who has English blood. It's no wonder that Wulan has a mixed-race face inherited from her mother. Meanwhile, on several occasions, Wulan Guritno's mother often appears on the artist's social media accounts or family events.

2. Her Beautiful Face Makes People Focus

The appearance of Wulan Guritno's mother is known to be elegant and full of charm, which often earns her praise from many people. Deana Battams has a captivating beautiful face. It's no wonder that her natural beauty is inherited by Wulan Guritno and her grandchildren. On the other hand, despite her age not being young anymore, the appearance of Wulan Guritno's mother remains stylish.

3. Age Six Head

Deana Battams is known to be six years old. Through social media accounts, Wulan Guritno recently gave sweet wishes on her mother's birthday. In her latest post, Wulan Guritno expressed warm messages, prayers, and hopes for her beloved mother.

"Happy birthday mother forever young at heart. Happy, healthy, and at peace, full of love for yourself and life itself," wrote Wulan Guritno in the caption @wulanguritno.

4. Not Inferior in Staying Young

If the child is known for their youthful appearance, so is Wulan Guritno's mother. Passed down from generation to generation, Deana Battams also has a youthful face. Her always fresh appearance keeps her charm unaffected by age. Look at this picture, Deana Battams is as youthful as her daughter. The appearance of this celebrity mother and daughter is also coordinated with all-black outfits.

5. Loving Grandmother

Already a grandmother, Deana Battams is known for her love for her grandchildren. Various occasions also showcase the bond between Wulan Guritno's mother and her beloved grandchildren. She often spends time with them, giving them genuine attention and affection. Like in this portrait, when Deana is with three grandchildren, the children of Wulan Guritno.

6. Warmth with Family

As we know, Wulan Guritno has two equally captivating brothers. The togetherness with the extended family showcases the warmth of their close relationship. Like in this portrait, a sweet moment of Deana with the extended family while celebrating Idul Fitri. On the other hand, Wulan Guritno's mother is also close to her daughter-in-law, Gadis Sadiqah.

7. Very Close with Children and Grandchildren

There is no denying the close bond between Deana Battams and her beloved children and grandchildren. Like in this portrait, the moment when Wulan Guritno wore matching outfits with her mother. Apparently, this celebrity family had a photoshoot for a fashion brand's clothing collection.

That is the portrait of Wulan Guritno's mother whose beauty is so enchanting. It's no wonder that the beauty genes also flow in the blood of this charming artist.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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