In October 2020, Pop Academy emerged to entertain the Indonesian society. Not only that, Pop Academy is also one of the singing talent search competitions held on Indosiar and is different from before. The competition, which lasted for about 3 months, ended on Sunday (17/1) yesterday.
As the closing of Pop Academy with the Winner Concert that had to compete two participants, Pop Academy has obtained one participant who became the champion 1 and the superstar. Yes, Waode, a participant from Baubau, successfully defeated Agnes from Malang with a narrow score. The excitement of the Winner Concert yesterday, made the supporters of each participant continue to provide support to both participants in the Winner Concert.
Becoming a superstar, Waode Baubau is one of the participants who is seen with beauty and charm. Well, instead of being curious about Waode, let's take a look at her photos here?