Kamen Rider Decade is one of the most unique characters in the Kamen Rider franchise. As the "World Traveler", Decade has abilities that surpass other Kamen Riders, along with a mysterious storyline. Here are 8 interesting facts about Kamen Rider Decade related to his powers.
8 Interesting Facts About Kamen Rider Decade Who Is Overly Powerful Because He Has This Power
Japanese Anime
Kamen Rider Decade is known as the "Destroyer of Worlds". However, this reflects Tsukasa Kadoya's role in connecting and maintaining balance among the parallel worlds of Riders, rather than simply destroying.
Decade's main power is using Rider Cards to access the powers of other Kamen Riders from previous eras. With these cards, he can transform into Kamen Riders like Kuuga, Ryuki, and Kabuto, complete with their unique powers.
The Decade transformation belt, Decadriver, allows him not only to transform into Decade but also to utilize special cards to summon additional abilities, such as special attacks or calling other Rider weapons.
Tsukasa has the ability to travel between parallel worlds. This allows him to meet various Kamen Riders from different dimensions, making Decade a key figure in the cross-world story.
In Final Form Ride, Decade has the ability to transform other Riders into weapon or vehicle forms that he can use in battle. For example, Kuuga can transform into a dragon, and Kiva into a bow.
Decade has a rival and ally named Kamen Rider Diend, who also possesses the unique power to summon other Riders. Their interactions often create interesting dynamics throughout the series.
As a character nicknamed "The Destroyer", Decade is often seen as a threat by the worlds he visits. However, behind that, he is actually a hero who fights to maintain the balance of the Rider world.
Decade can evolve into the Complete Form, where he uses the Final Kamen Ride card to access the full powers of all Riders in the parallel worlds. In this form, Decade becomes nearly invincible.
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