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8 Latest Portraits of Nooran Mikayla, Tania Nadira's Third Child, who is Getting More Beautiful Like an Arab Princess, Now 1 Year Old

8 Latest Portraits of Nooran Mikayla, Tania Nadira's Third Child, who is Getting More Beautiful Like an Arab Princess, Now 1 Year Old Tania Nadira, Abdulla Alwi, and Nooran Mikayla Abdulla (credit: - Officially married to Abdulla Alwi, Tania Nadira is now happily enjoying the moments as a mother of three children. Moreover, her youngest daughter is currently being adorable as she just turned one year old.

Nooran Mikayla Abdulla, Tania Nadira's third daughter, was born in the middle of 2020. Since birth, she has immediately caught the public's attention. Especially her beautiful face that is so captivating like an Arabian princess. This is because Nooran inherited Arabian blood from her father and mother.

It's no wonder that Nooran has such a captivating beauty. What's interesting is that even though she is still young, Nooran has been taken around the world by her parents. Yes, Tania Nadira has taken her daughter on vacation to Turkey, Egypt, and most recently New York.

Curious to see the latest portrait of Nooran Mikayla Abdulla, Tania Nadira's third daughter? Let's take a look, KLovers.


1. One Year Old

Tania Nadira's personal life is now always in the spotlight. Especially, her third child from her second marriage with Abdulla Alwi has captured public attention. Yes, after getting married in 2019, Tania Nadira was immediately blessed with a beautiful child named Nooran Mikayla Abdulla.

Born in May 2020, Tania Nadira's third daughter has just celebrated her first birthday. Tania and her husband even celebrated their little daughter's birthday in such a grand manner.


2. Even More Adorable

At one year old, Nooran is now so cute and adorable. At this age, a child is usually very active. Like in this picture, during the celebration of her third daughter's birthday, she looks so adorable wearing a cute outfit. Nooran's outfit also matches perfectly with her mom, dad, and her two siblings. So adorable, right KLovers?


3. Beautiful Like Her Mother

Since birth, Tania Nadira's third daughter has immediately caught the public's attention. Especially with her beautiful face that is so captivating. Nooran's pointed nose has also become the spotlight of netizens. But it turns out that Nooran's beauty comes from her equally charming parents. Like in this picture, when Tania Nadira compares her childhood picture with Nooran's. They look similar, don't they KLovers?


4. Like an Arabian Princess

After officially separating from Tommy Kurniawan, Tania Nadira decided to marry Abdulla Alwi. It is known that Tania Nadira's husband has Arabian heritage. It's no wonder that the beautiful face of Tania Nadira's third daughter has a distinctive Arabian look. Like in this picture, Tania Nadira's third daughter truly looks like an Arabian princess. What do you think KLovers?


5. Joining Vacation in New York

Recently, Tania Nadira and her family spent their vacation in New York. Tania Nadira didn't forget to bring along her three beloved children, Muhammad Al Fatih Fabrizio, Naira Syabila Azzahra Kurniawan, and the youngest, Nooran Mikayla Abdulla. Tania Nadira captured their precious moments together with her husband and children, as shown in this picture. So harmonious, right KLovers?


6. United with Their Older Siblings

Tania Nadira actively shares various activities through her personal Instagram account. This includes her sweet moments with her family. Like in this picture, at the beginning of 2021, Tania Nadira also spent her vacation with her husband and three children in Egypt and Turkey. Nooran looks adorable wearing a cute yellow outfit.


7. Cute Overload

The cuteness of Tania Nadira's third child always makes netizens feel excited. One of them is in this picture when Nooran wears a cute yellow outfit. The bandana accessory that matches her outfit makes Nooran even more cute overload. Several netizens gave positive comments for Tania Nadira's third daughter like in this picture. So cute, right KLovers?


8. Matching Outfit with Mom and Dad

The family of Tania Nadira and Abdulla Alwi is known to be so harmonious and compact. One of them is in this picture when Tania Nadira chooses an outfit that matches her husband and their third daughter. Even though she is still a baby, Nooran is very aware of the camera. The warmth of Tania Nadira's family successfully captures the attention of netizens. So harmonious, right KLovers?

Those are some of the latest adorable pictures of Tania Nadira's third child. What do you think, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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