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8 Moments of Fun from The Prediction Motor Gang's Train Trip to Yogyakarta, Traveling on Rails?

8 Moments of Fun from The Prediction Motor Gang's Train Trip to Yogyakarta, Traveling on Rails? The Prediction (Photo credit: - The Prediksi motorcycle gang, consisting of celebrities who have a hobby of riding motorcycles. Starting from Andre Taulany, Desta, Vincent, and many more. There are many fans of The Prediksi who can't wait for the latest content from the gang led by Andre Taulany. Are you one of those who follow them?

They often do activities together, such as touring and sports. The Prediksi is touring again, this time their destination is Yogyakarta. Who says they go there by motorcycle? It turns out they ride a train, don't be mistaken, it's very comfortable inside, there's even a bedroom. Curious about the excitement of The Prediksi going to Yogyakarta by train? Let's find out.

1. These funny dads are always lively, it's a pity that one of the members, Kang Ferry, can't join.

2. It looks luxurious in the train, but this is definitely not economy class.

3. This is the concept of taking photos on the railroad tracks, so that people know what kind of train The Prediction is riding.

4. The facilities are really cool, you can even do karaoke.

5. Giving way to the cool dads.

6. Is Vincent already like a soldier? His pose and army shirt are also cool.

7. There's a room on the train, extraordinary! The gang leader, Andre Taulany, sleeps soundly.

8. Here's a bonus, although they already have children, they still act like young kids.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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