The drastic change in Ricky Cuaca's appearance has made him the center of attention until now. It's not just about that, but everything about Ricky is also a topic of conversation. Including his newly renovated house. What does it look like?
Celebrity Activities
The drastic change in Ricky Cuaca's appearance has made him the center of attention until now. It's not just about that, but everything about Ricky is also a topic of conversation. Including his newly renovated house. What does it look like?
This is what Ricky Cuaca's house looks like now. The blue and white atmosphere seems to dominate the 33-year-old artist's residence.
If usually the house number is written in front of the house, Ricky instead writes his name with a fairly large size on the front.
Ussy Sulistiawaty, who had the opportunity to come to Ricky's house, admitted that the atmosphere inside was so comfortable and felt like houses abroad.
Ricky admitted that he did indeed make the house with an American Country concept. He successfully transformed the room which used to be an office into a comfortable living room.
Ricky Cuaca's desire to have a comfortable dwelling, even though it is not too big in size, he has successfully realized it in his current home.
Heading to the bedroom area, Ricky utilizes one corner of his house to display one of his old photos. Several trinkets are arranged on a table.
And this is the appearance of Ricky Cuaca's resting room. He mentioned that he deliberately chose a large-sized bed to accommodate his friends when they stay over.
A separate wardrobe room is also prepared. Ricky's collection of clothes and shoes are neatly arranged in the white wardrobe.
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