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8 Photos of Sakalingga, Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty's Son, Playing with Grandma During Mudik, Said to Have Similar Vibe as Nicholas Saputra

8 Photos of Sakalingga, Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty's Son, Playing with Grandma During Mudik, Said to Have Similar Vibe as Nicholas Saputra Baby Saka Putra Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty (credit: instagram/andhiiikapratama) - The family of Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty are currently on a mudik trip to Malang, East Java. Through various instagram posts, Andhika Pratama shared some of his family's activities while in his hometown, including the youngest Sakalingga's activities.

The boy, who is usually called Saka, looked happy playing with his grandmother, Hesti Erawati. Interestingly, in his father's post showing Saka with his grandmother, many people were actually focused on Saka's handsomeness. Some even said that Saka has vibes like Nicholas Saputra.

So, curious about what he looks like? Let's take a look at some of his photos below.



1. Playing and Learning Together with Grandma

Sakalingga seems to be enjoying his days in Malang very much. This is evident from the happy expression on Saka's face, especially when he is playing and learning together with his grandma in the backyard.



2. A Moment of Missing Each Other

Playing together with his grandma is a moment of missing each other for Sakalingga. As it is known, his grandma and beloved grandson live separately. They can only meet and miss each other occasionally.



3. Full of Warmth

The togetherness of Sakalingga and his grandma is not only joyful but also full of warmth. From their interaction, it is clear that they love each other very much.



4. Simple Appearance

Sakalingga and his grandma's appearance while playing also caught attention. In some of the pictures, they both look very simple, especially his grandma who looks comfortable in her daily dress.



5. Very Compact

Although living separately and rarely meeting, Sakalingga and Omanya looked very compact when they were together. Although not wearing matching clothes, the compactness of Sakalingga and his Oma was evident in every interaction they had. 



6. His Handsomeness Makes People Distracted

Another thing that makes many netizens distracted is Sakalingga's handsomeness. Yes, for a long time Sakalingga has been known as one of the celebrity children who has a beautiful face. Being under the sunlight seems to make Sakalingga's handsomeness aura even more radiant.  



7. Called Similar to Nicholas Saputra

Not only handsome, Sakalingga is also said to have vibes similar to Nicholas Saputra. If observed carefully, Sakalingga's curly hair and Caucasian face make him look like a mini version of Nicholas Saputra.



8. With His Older Sister

Not only the two of them, at the same moment, Ussy Sulistiawaty's second daughter, Ara, was also seen accompanying Sakalingga playing with their grandmother. Ara's presence in the midst of them made the atmosphere even warmer.

Those are some of the moments when Sakalingga, the son of Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty, played with his grandmother during the homecoming. How about KLovers, do you agree that Saka looks like Nicholas Saputra?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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