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8 Pictures of Women's Enchanting Transformation After Doing Their Own Makeup, Very Similar to Ayu Ting Ting

8 Pictures of Women's Enchanting Transformation After Doing Their Own Makeup, Very Similar to Ayu Ting Ting


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8 Pictures of Women's Enchanting Transformation After Doing Their Own Makeup, Very Similar to Ayu Ting Ting

Makeup can make someone's appearance more charming. Nowadays, you don't need a Makeup Artist (MUA) to look more enchanting, many women have the skill to do their own makeup.

Like a woman who uploaded a video on TikTok account @colorsoftwentytwo. Not magic, not sorcery! With her makeup skills, she completely transformed. Curious about her pictures!


Here is a picture of a woman on TikTok account @colorsoftwentytwo before doing her makeup. The area under her eyes appears black.


It is known that there are a lot of women's content on TikTok that creates makeup transformations like this. No need to call a makeup artist, many women are really good at doing makeup.


In the video, the woman looks very dull and pale. She created a concept for her video. The woman seemed as if she had just been cheated on by her boyfriend.

8 Pictures of Women's Enchanting Transformation After Doing Their Own Makeup, Very Similar to Ayu Ting Ting

Like magic, the woman drastically transforms with her makeup. The definition is that after being dumped by a boyfriend, instead of feeling depressed, she looks even more beautiful and finds someone new.


She changes drastically in her appearance before makeup. In the TikTok comments section, she receives a flood of praise from netizens. Many say that the woman looks similar to Ayu Ting Ting.

8 Pictures of Women's Enchanting Transformation After Doing Their Own Makeup, Very Similar to Ayu Ting Ting

The skill of this woman's makeup is also praised by netizens, many of whom are asking for a makeup tutorial like hers. It's amazing to see this woman, isn't it?

8 Pictures of Women's Enchanting Transformation After Doing Their Own Makeup, Very Similar to Ayu Ting Ting

From this transformation video, it has received thousands of likes and comments. Are you curious why she looks so much like Ayu Ting Ting?


This woman made two videos with the same makeup concept, and of course, she is still flooded with praise. Who else do you think she can make makeup look like?

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One by One Leaving IKATAN CINTA, Here are 7 Portraits of Natasha Dewanti, the Actress of Mama Sarah, Who Also Left After Amanda Manopo

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