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8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid who is now more diligent in performing Tahajud prayers and studying since getting closer to Thoriq Halilintar, Netizens highlight the status of 'Diva's Child'

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid who is now more diligent in performing Tahajud prayers and studying since getting closer to Thoriq Halilintar, Netizens highlight the status of 'Diva's Child'

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8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid who is now more diligent in performing Tahajud prayers and studying since getting closer to Thoriq Halilintar, Netizens highlight the status of 'Diva's Child'

After breaking up with Fuji, Thoriq Halilintar has been rumored to be close to Aaliyah Massaid. Interestingly, recently Angelina Sondakh revealed the positive changes in Aaliyah. She has become more diligent in worship. Here are the details.


The closeness between Aaliyah Massaid and Thoriq Halilintar has been highlighted. Interestingly, Aaliyah has become more diligent in worship since getting closer to Atta Halilintar's younger brother.


"Aaliyah has changed a lot in terms of worship and I am impressed, she is more diligent in Tahajud prayers and regular prayers. Plus, she is diligent in studying, oh Allah," said Angelina Sondakh as quoted from the Intens Investigasi Youtube channel recently.


"Meaning, the man who is close brings good changes," added Angie. Furthermore, Angie refused to talk about Aaliyah's partner, but she admitted that she was happy that Aaliyah could change for the better.


Aaliyah and Thoriq's closeness has garnered various reactions from netizens. Some agree, while others disagree. Interestingly, many highlight Aaliyah's status as the daughter of a Diva.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid who is now more diligent in performing Tahajud prayers and studying since getting closer to Thoriq Halilintar, Netizens highlight the status of 'Diva's Child'

Yes, according to netizens, it is possible that Aaliyah's path to becoming Thariq's partner has received the approval of the Halilintar family because she is the daughter of Reza Artamevia, one of Indonesia's Divas.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid who is now more diligent in performing Tahajud prayers and studying since getting closer to Thoriq Halilintar, Netizens highlight the status of 'Diva's Child'

These assumptions have gained attention because netizens have seen Aurel, who is also the daughter of an Indonesian Diva, smoothly become a member of the Halilintar family.


Meanwhile, Thoriq himself no longer wants to date. In an interview with Raffi Ahmad on the RANS Entertainment Youtube channel, he admitted that he wants to get married right away.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid who is now more diligent in performing Tahajud prayers and studying since getting closer to Thoriq Halilintar, Netizens highlight the status of 'Diva's Child'

However, Thariq doesn't rush to find a partner. He chooses to focus first on various businesses that he manages, ranging from production houses to event organizers.

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Far from Controversy, Here are 8 Heartwarming Moments of Sharena Gunawan and Ryan Delon's Small Family - Always Happy Even at Home

Sharena Gunawan and Ryan Delon are a celebrity couple who are far from controversy, KLovers. Their small family is always the center of attention, highlighting the harmony between Sharena, Ryan, and their two children.

Far from Controversy, Here are 8 Heartwarming Moments of Sharena Gunawan and Ryan Delon's Small Family - Always Happy Even at Home