Aurel Hermansyah recently announced some happy news, she will soon have another daughter. The moment was captured in a video post on her husband's channel.
She is currently enjoying the happy moments of being a pregnant mother. Find out more here!
Celebrity Activities
Aurel Hermansyah recently announced some happy news, she will soon have another daughter. The moment was captured in a video post on her husband's channel.
She is currently enjoying the happy moments of being a pregnant mother. Find out more here!
Here is one of the adorable moments shared by Aurel Hermansyah's stepmother, Ashanty.
In her mother's post, Aurel's baby bump is becoming more prominent and adorable.
It is not uncommon for Aurel to share photos and posts while holding her growing belly.
It is known that Ameena will soon have a younger sister. However, it is not known when her due date is.
Now Aurel is enjoying the happiness of being a pregnant mother where many people are giving her attention and love.
She also doesn't need to worry about being sad in the future because her closest person will support her by her side.
Including Atta Halilintar, who is now more attentive to his wife who is currently pregnant with their second child.
The pregnancy moment was also welcomed happily by netizens who also gave their best prayers for Aurel.
Age is not a problem in appearance, Nenek Verrel's appearance style is often like a modern teenager, you know!
Indeed, some celebrities from the homeland have been cute since birth, so it's no wonder that their appearance is so charming when they grow up.
Actively sharing all activities and styles on her social media, especially Instagram, it is not uncommon for many netizens to be inspired by Uti's OOTD. Uti's outfits often become a source of inspiration for netizens to look beautiful and cool.
Becoming a father does not diminish the charm of the popularity of actors in the country, the presence of a child becomes their popularity field as Indonesian hot daddies. Often sharing moments of togetherness with their children with cool charisma that never fails to catch the attention of netizens.
The Blackpunk gang, the friendship between Yuki Kato, Enzy Storia, Jessica Mila, and Febby Rastanty, has become the public's attention. That's why it's not surprising that their friendship is very close and supportive of each other.
Often becoming the spotlight of netizens, Adelia Wilhelmina's closeness with her stepchildren is filled with warmth. Besides being compact, Adelia is also like a friend to her stepsons and stepdaughters.
Playing tennis, according to Syahnaz, is also one way they spend quality time together with her husband.
Age is not a barrier for these male celebrities to build a household with women much younger than them.
Syahnaz accompanies her husband, Jeje, playing tennis. Check out the photos below!
Yes, Fedi Nuril married a woman named Calysta Vanny Widyasasti in January 2016. Until now, their marriage has been 7 years old and blessed with 3 children.
Because of this fear, Charly himself often refuses requests for performances.
Although he cannot escape from his father's shadow, Restu apparently has his own idol that he takes inspiration from in singing