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8 Portraits of Aurel Hermansyah's Happiness Meeting Her Siblings After Isolation, Immediately Feeding Arsya - Cooking for Arsy

8 Portraits of Aurel Hermansyah's Happiness Meeting Her Siblings After Isolation, Immediately Feeding Arsya - Cooking for Arsy

Indonesian Celebrity Family

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8 Portraits of Aurel Hermansyah's Happiness Meeting Her Siblings After Isolation, Immediately Feeding Arsya - Cooking for Arsy

After undergoing self-isolation for approximately 2 weeks, Aurel Hermansyah was finally declared negative for Covid-19. The moment Aurel had been eagerly waiting for after recovering was to reunite with her family, especially with Arsy and Arsya.

And for KLovers, don't forget to always #IngatPesanIbu. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, maintain distance, and avoid crowds.


Aurel couldn't hide her happiness after being declared negative for Covid. She immediately left the room and ran to her siblings.


After longing for almost 2 weeks, Aurel finally got to hug Arsya again.


Happiness and gratitude are also felt by Suwarsiha, one of the assistants who is considered like family.


One of the activities that Aurel missed the most during isolation was feeding Arsya. Anang Hermansyah's eldest daughter immediately helped her younger sibling to eat.


Aurel Hermansyah also ran towards Anang and hugged her father while saying that she is already negative for Covid-19.


The 22-year-old artist even cooked special fried rice for Arsy.


Arsy then enjoyed the meal prepared by her older sibling while chatting at the dining table.


Although they have started to gather again, Aurel, Arsy, and other family members are still waiting for Azriel and Ashanty who are still undergoing isolation.