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8 Portraits of Chaska Satriaji, Kaka Slank's Rarely Highlighted Son, 16 Years Old - Also Loves Music

8 Portraits of Chaska Satriaji, Kaka Slank's Rarely Highlighted Son, 16 Years Old - Also Loves Music Chaska Satriaji/Kaka Slank (credit: instagram @csatriaji/@fishgod) - The performance of Kaka Slank on stage is unquestionable. Every performance with the band Slank always manages to ignite the energy of the audience. So it's not surprising that every performance with the band Slank is always highly anticipated.

But there is an interesting fact about Kaka Slank that seems to be unknown to many people. It turns out that one of Kaka Slank's children named Chaska Satriaji has inherited singing talent from his father. Even though he is not yet a professional singer, Chaska's performance on stage is no less exciting than his father's.

Here are some portraits of Chaska Satriaji, Kaka Slank's rarely highlighted son.





1. Just Had a Birthday

Chaska, the second child of the couple Kaka Slank and Natascha, just celebrated his birthday on April 6th. This can be seen from the post by his mother on Instagram. Natascha conveyed a congratulatory message filled with good wishes for her child and family.

2. Receiving Special Gift from Father

Like most children on their birthdays, Chaska also received a special gift from his father. Kaka Slank recently uploaded a video and photo of Chaska opening his present. Although the gift arrived late, Chaska still looked very happy with the gift he received.

3. Enjoys Playing Music

Chaska inherited his musical talent from his father. In fact, not only playing instruments, Chaska is also skilled in singing. Together with some friends, Chaska formed a band where he takes on the role of vocalist.

4. Having an Entertainer Soul

Not only performing ordinary singing, in the photo uploaded on his instagram account, Chaska wrote the caption 'DEBUT'. However, even though Chaska's debut performance and his friends at that time successfully entertained the audience. The proof is that all the audience were dancing while hugging each other.

5. Often Singing on Stage

Chaska has shared several moments of himself on stage. These photos uploaded by Chaska truly prove that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Isn't that right, KLovers?

6. Vacationing to Bromo with Friends

In addition to moments on stage, Chaska has also shared several moments of himself with his friends. Like in this photo, taken when Chaska and his friends were in Bromo. Interestingly, there is a comment from Kaka Slank in the comment section with the emoticon 'beer'. Wow, it looks like the relationship between father and son is really fun.

7. Stage Performance Not Inferior to His Father

Until now, Kaka Slank has been known as one of the band's vocalists with the most energetic stage performances. Apparently, this also applies to Chaska. Just look at Chaska's stage performance in this photo, it's really exciting, isn't it? It was so exciting that someone even commented, 'Not inferior to his dad'.

8. Having Projects with Iwan Fals and Kaka Slank

Chaska and his bandmates seem to have experienced many stages. In fact, one of Chaska and his friends' stage performance projects involved Kaka Slank and Iwan Fals.

Well, those are 8 portraits of Chaska Satriaji, Kaka Slank's son who has rarely been in the spotlight, and apparently also has musical talent. Hopefully, Chaska's musical career will be as successful as his father's. Let's wait for Chaska's works, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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