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8 Portraits of Nagita Slavina and Caca Tengker's Togetherness, Like Twin Children with Sweet Smiles

8 Portraits of Nagita Slavina and Caca Tengker's Togetherness, Like Twin Children with Sweet Smiles Nagita Slavina - Caca Tengker © Instagram/cacatengker - Nagita Slavina always diligently shares her togetherness with her younger sister, Caca Tengker. In fact, they are often said to be similar because they both have sweet smiles. Many admire their beauty and togetherness. They both appear like twin children in every opportunity. So, what are their portraits of togetherness like?

1. Childhood

This portrait is a childhood photo of Nagita and Caca. At that time, both of them liked an old singer named Anggun Cipta.

2. Age Difference

It turns out that Nagita and Caca have an age difference of only 15 months. No wonder they are so close!

3. Often Fight

In her post, Caca admitted that she used to often fight with her sister, who is commonly called Mbak Gigi. But as they grew older, they became more united.

4. Sweet Smiles

Do you realize that they are twins? They even have the same sweet smile.

5. Together with Rafathar and Raffi

Not only close with her older sister, of course Caca is also close with Rafathar and Raffi Ahmad. Similarly, Nagita is also close with Caca's family.

6. Never Confide in Each Other about Household Matters

Although they are siblings, both of them admitted that they never confide in each other about household matters. This is because Nagita and Caca choose to discuss it more with their respective husbands and their husbands' families.

7. Vacation in London

Their moments together were also uploaded through Caca Tengker's vlog. At that time, they were on vacation in London in January.

8. More Compact

Although both of them are already married, of course, this actually makes them even more compact. Hopefully, Nagita-Caca will always be happy and successful!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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