Oscar Lawalata is well-known in the fashion world of Indonesia. He has been working for 25 years. Recently, the designer, who has changed his name to Asha Smara Darra, successfully broke the MURI record. Here are the details.
Celebrity Activities
Oscar Lawalata is well-known in the fashion world of Indonesia. He has been working for 25 years. Recently, the designer, who has changed his name to Asha Smara Darra, successfully broke the MURI record. Here are the details.
Oscar Lawalata has achieved another achievement. This time, he broke the MURI record with the Most Indonesian Fabric Exhibition at the National Museum within 1 Month.
There are a total of 220 Indonesian fabrics showcased. Furthermore, Oscar mentioned that this is the AKU & KAIN festival, a movement that celebrates cultural diversity to build nationalism and elevate the beauty of pluralism values.
"The AKU & KAIN festival showcases inspiring figures of the younger generation, wrapped in meaningful stories and creations, and narrated through their beautiful works," he continued.
"The AKU & KAIN festival carries the vision of elevating the existence of traditional Indonesian fabrics as Nusantara heritage that needs to be proud of and preserved by Millennials and Gen Z," added Oscar.
This achievement received many congratulations. Many expressed their congratulations and admitted to being proud of Oscar Lawalata's achievement.
Shortly after that, Oscar held 'Wanita Nusantara' (Archipelago Women). The event was a celebration of Oscar's 25 years of work. Yes, for a quarter of a century, he has consistently immersed himself in the fashion world of the homeland.
Oscar mentioned that this celebration is also a form of tribute to the diversity of Indonesian culture. This event is one of the efforts to continue preserving Indonesian culture.
In this event, several names were also involved, such as Sheila Timothy, Canti Tachril, Widyawati Sophiaan, Marcella Zalianty, and Miranda Goeltom.
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